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My fourth year at Varsity, students are up and down fixing their registrations and checking on their accommodation. i was busy on my phone being active on social media as usual, taking pictures of myself and sharing them online. Out of nowhere a girl appeared and she seemed lost. she was thick, chocolate dark skinned with short hair dyed in Gold color. Okay, let me introduce myself first, my name is bathandwa and i'm using a wheelchair to walk around and that's all you should know for now. so, she stood next to me and i wanted to say something but she seemed intimidating because she was totally minding her own business and she looked so beautiful.

suddenly i started feeling the heat and i think maybe it's because it's hot outside or maybe it's because i thought she looked attractive, she had some tight torn jean with an Orange basket-ball vest for a top and had white All star boot and carried a black Jordan bagpack. she then took her phone out from her jean pocket and started typing then after seconds she did a call, "i'm so lost, and bro i can't find anyone who i can ask for help from or something." i don't know if she noticed me or what but i thought of helping so i said, "i can help, hey." she looked at me and replied on a call and said, "i found someone who can help. Yes, bye we'll talk later." she then dropped the call and placed her phone back inside the pocket and said, "sorry, i am so lost, it's my first time here. My name is Amanda but you can call me Mish." Her voice was so beautiful and i was totally in love with it. "Oh, i'm bathandwa and everyone calls


me bat. i can help you, i'm in a sRC committee and we were busy assisting some students but i'm still getting some smoke. What can i help you with?" she smiled and said," i wanted to know where can i get a receptionist, i want to know about my bursary in accommodation and textbooks fee." i gave her directions to where she can get help for the information she was looking for, she thanked me but i couldn't get her numbers, my words could not get out from my mouth. i kept staring her as she went straight to the reception area. Will i see her again though? And if i do, will i be able to ask for her numbers? Damn!

i kept thinking about her while on a meeting with other sRC members. "bat, are you with us?" my ex-girlfriend destructed me. We dated for two years and broke up during the Fees Must Fall protest. she never liked the strategies that i introduced during the protest. "Yes, i am. i was just listening." i said and she giggled and said, "You lying. i always knew that you not the right leader, bat." This is what she always challenged me of, since our break up. "We talking about getting the elections in to order here not me being a rightful leader or not." i said, and then Thabo stopped us by saying," Guys, this is not the place. We need to get done with it." i then said, "Okay, we should first welcome students at the Hall and then introduce them into voting for a rightful party in few weeks being in school, i mean they still getting used to be in school for the year." Then they agreed with my suggestion and stood up and went out the meeting office, leaving me with Asanda, my ex-girlfriend. she looked at me and asked, "What happened to us?" that question annoyed me because she was the one who cheated on me with our late comrade, Lwando. "You know what happened, Asa." she stood up and came close and sat on the table and said, "i know i cheated but you were not here." she spoke


for herself and i defended myself by saying, "i was out negotiating with the government for us and you could not keep your panties on." she rolled her eyes and i said, "You see? You don't even care." i then loosen up my wheelchair brakes and drove myself out from the office. I loved her but I could not trust her, she's a forbidden fruit.

Music was buzzing up and i was with my friends, Thabo, sean and Michael. We kept talking about politics and girls. While we were talking i saw Amanda with some girls and she seemed to be having fun and i guess they are her friends. i don't know if i should approach her or what, she really intimidates me and i've never been intimidated by a girl before. "You've been staring at her." Thabo caught me and i said, "What you talking about, bro?" trying to hide the fact that i'm really staring at the girl i actually find attractive. "You should go and talk to her, you know?" i looked at him and asked, "What exactly will i say to her, bro? she's so intimidating and i have never been intimidated by a girl before." He laughed like i just cracked a joke and then stopped and said, "Okay look, everyone is having fun around here and some are making friends so i find this a perfect time for you to go and introduce yourself." i looked at him and asked, "You're sure that i can stand a chance?" he giggled and nodded then we made a fistbump. so, i drove myself to her where she was with her friends and she noticed me then jumped up from the couch, came to give me a hug and then after that she pushed me closer to her friends. "Guys, this is the guy i was telling you about." she sat down and she was tipsy i realized. Her friends waved and they were tipsy as much as her, so was i. "i need to talk to you." i screamed in her ear after tapping her to come closer so i could actually scream in her ear as in like whispering, the music was too loud. "You want to talk like now?" and i nodded then she stood up and insisted on

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