Ah, It's you again! (N X Reader)

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⓿❷ Requested by FluffyFandomChild

⓿❷ Requested by FluffyFandomChild

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Artist Unknown, Source: Reddit


   You didn't know why you here or when you were here. All you knew was that you missed Nimbasa City. Missing it's vibrant colors, missing the unique sense of childish adventure, and all the things you could do there. But instead of heading straight to the Musical Theater or the Gear Station, you dashed towards the Ferris wheel.

   You didn't know who you would ride with, just knowing that you really wanted to ride this awesome wheel. You haven't touched Unova for weeks, exploring other points of the world, but horrid homesickness hit you. It brought you all the way here.

   You didn't know that history was going to repeat itself again. You just know when the door of the carrier flew open, you saw the face you would be riding with again. 

    His green hair swayed as he turned to you with that calm smile of his. "Ah, it's you again! What indeed a wonderful coincidence." 

    Your heart skipped with a furious tempo, filled with so many conflicting feelings. Excitement? Nostalgia? Love? You didn't know what they were, but you knew was it compelled you forward and sit next to him. You were silent as always, but he could sense the thrill in your eyes when you faced him. 

   "Ever since the last time I saw you, I traveled all around the world. I tried to absorb as much knowledge as I can. I have studied the ways of how pokemon and their trainer's bond, and ways of hurting each other. Ways of growing, and ways of distancing."

   You didn't anything. You did what you do best which was to listen. Despite you looking far out into the horizon as the world slowly rotated, N knew you were hearing every word.

   "I still don't understand Pokemon and humans, and perhaps I never will. Ghetsis build my whole life to revolve that I was the hero to my own story. But I was a manipulated villain in a grand scheme of power."

   You continued to listen and not speak. 

   "I know I still need time to grow, but I feel like I'm wandering aimlessly. And that's when I discovered a student can't learn without a teacher. I need someone to teach me the ropes of what it means to be a trainer and what it means to be a pokemon used to battle. Will you help me?" N asked. 

   You turned to him with an eager, yet soft smile. A smile that reassured him that you were up for the challenge and willing to guide him through. 

   He nodded deeply with his eyes closed. "Hmm...It's wonderful that we got to reunite here the same day I first told you about who I was." As soon as the ferris wheel stopped, you both stood up and then he held your hand. Right when you looked into his eyes, he said. "Now I'll let you rebuild what I am." Then you both exit the ferris wheel with a new life ahead. 


Author's Note

Hnnngh, I hope this wasn't cheesy or something. I just decided to write a fanfic in one go and this was a word of mesh I formed! Hoped you enjoyed it, especially you Fluffy! ^-^

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