- I D E A S

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Possible Additions to plot/characters


So as I was writing I wanted to keep track of little quotes I found or ideas that I liked so I wouldn't forget them. As you'll see, there are some that I used and others that didn't quite make the final cut.

- Henry sexually harasses Richie
- Richie takes Eddie to see the carving before they leave Derry
- Remember entirety of werewolf scene
- Sneak to quarry with Eddie
- Confront Henry about sexual harassment as he dies?
- Richie distracts It from Eddie and co. again except it's outside this time and he gets stuck under the porch
- kiddo bill and stan sad boi hrs
- "I meant 'I love you', every single time."
- Pennywise takes the shape of Eddie and rejects Richie/calls him derogatory terms/rips him apart emotionally
- They say that you have to love yourself before loving someone else. Bullshit. I've never loved myself. But God, loving you made me forget what hating myself felt like.
- After 9th chance Eddie is in the hospital and Richie goes to the kissing bridge and deepens the carving and waits all day and ends up falling asleep there and when he wakes up he's getting texts and calls like crazy that people are looking for him and eddie shows up on crutches/in a wheelchair and  K I S S
- Eddie gets hurt badly and they manage to get him out and bring him to the hospital but he still dies and everything ends up resetting again (Richie drags him out against the screams of everyone else and refuses to believe that eddie is dead by the time they get to the hospital)
- "i get you don't want to deal with it, because it's really hard, but that's what makes it worth it. you fight so much through it all, in the end you realize you actually made it. you won."
- Ive_reachedmylimit

" - Ive_reachedmylimit

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- And suddenly I realized I was holding you for the last time

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- And suddenly I realized I was holding you for the last time.
- "Isnt this silly?" eddie giggles
"and aren't you beautiful?" richie replies

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