[ naruto ] • Sakura Haruno x Reader

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It was a normal day for most, wake up, get ready and go to work.

However for one person, (First Name) it wasn't that easy. You see, she liked Sakura but she knew she had feelings for a certain dark haired boy.

In this world unrequited love means the one who feels the emotion grows a disease. The Hanahaki Disease. The Hanahaki Disease allows flowers to grow in the lungs and on the body of the person who feels the love for someone when it isn't returned. If you go without treatment, it can kill you.

Your parents knew that you had the disease and they would always beg you to take the surgery, but you always refused always replying with the same answer.

"I love her too much"

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

You woke up feeling the strong urge to throw up, you quickly ran to the bathroom and lifted the toilet seat up.

Blood speckled flower after flower forced its way out of your mouth into the toilet bowl.

After about 20 minutes you groaned sitting on the bathroom floor, weak and tired.

'it's getting worse' you thought as you gripped the sink near you, forcing yourself up.

You looked at yourself in the mirror and slightly cringed 'i look like shit'.

Your once vibrant (skin colour) skin had turned to a sickly pale and your bright (Eye colour) eyes were dull.

You dragged yourself into your room to check the time.


You sighed as you lied back down on your bed 'lucky it's the day off'

Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of your phone dinging you weakly reached out for it and read the message.

sakura :D :
heyyy (Nickname) you still up for tonight??

You smiled gently as you remembered that you and sakura had made plans for a sleep over.

me :
uh hell yes i am!, what time you gonna be around?

sakura :D :
hmm i'll probably be around 12 that good with you?

me :
yeah twelves fine, see you then!

You shut your phone off sighing "guess i should tidy up a bit" you mumbled to yourself.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

After you tidied your tiny apartment and had a shower (after you threw up like freaking five times). You checked the time.


'I wonder where she is?' you thought worriedly then there was a knock at the door, you smiled as you quickly opened it to be met with no one.

Confused you slightly looked around, only to be tackled to the ground as a familiar someone gave you a tight hug around the waist.

"Hey (First Name) I missed you soooo much" the pink haired female said getting off of you and helping you up.

You laughed as you got up "it's only been two days Sakura"

She shrugged casually "oh and sorry i was late i was talking to you know who" she said giggling slightly.

You felt a flower painfully climb its way up your throat.

"I-I'll berightback" you quickly said as you rushed to the bathroom and locked the door.

Once again flowers painfully made its way out of your throat, you gripped the side of the toilet as tears pricked your eyes.

A knock came from the door.

"Hey (First Name) you ok in there?"

"Yea-Yeah! i'm," another flower "f-fine!"

"...Ok if you say so (Nickname)"

After a few minutes in the bathroom, you came out to see Sakura on the couch on her phone waiting patiently.

She looked up from her device and smiled. "Everything ok?"

You nodded as you sat down next to her "wanna order some pizza?"

"While you were in the bathroom I already ordered some, and yes i did get you your favourite too" she giggled slightly as she seen your eyes light up.

Than an idea popped in your head. You smirked at Sakura as she looked.

"Do you wanna build a fort?"

She smirked and got up, "hell yes"

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

After hours of laughing, eating (occasionally throwing up) and just being weird to make each other laugh the both of you were exhausted.

You flopped on your bed as you checked the time.

'1:30 am'

'Damn time sure does go fast when i'm with her'

Sakura flopped down onto your bed next to you.

"The showers free" she said. You nodded as you made your way to the bathroom.

You quickly had a shower, and got dried after you changed you went out of the bathroom into your room.

Once you got comfortable in your bed you looked over at Sakura and smiled gently she was fast asleep snuggled into your pillows.

You turned on your left side to get comfortable, then you felt hands wrap around your waist.

You looked over your shoulder to see a sleeping Sakura hugging you from behind.

You smiled as you laid your head back down, you felt tear prick your eyes.

'i'll always love her'

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

word count : 847

- feel free to correct me if i made any mistakes :))

- tbh idk how to feel about this one but i had to write something ;-;

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