[ hetalia ] Fem! England x Reader

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A routine, that was [Name's] life she would wake up at exactly six in the morning brush her teeth, get ready and leave to her favourite cafe at seven and than go to work. But today was a little different it was a Saturday morning, [Name] did her usual routine and went to the cafe.

'I still need to get those reports done, i guess i'll just do them at the cafe' [Name] thought to herself as she hopped into the car and drove off to the coffe shop.

After about a fifteen minute drive she was in front of a cute little cafe that had the words 'angels cafe' the author couldn't figure out a better café name so she just went with that... moving on, the [h/c]-nette grabbed the things neccersary and went in with a smile on her face. The smell of brewed coffee and freshly made pastries hit her nose making her sigh in content, she went up to the counter and the cashier smiled.

"Hey [Name] just the usual?" [Name] nodded as she grabbed her wallet "hey Violet, how's life treating you?" the brunette chuckled as she handed back the change "well it's been pretty shitty but hey when has life ever been nice to me, what about you?"

[Name] chuckled "same to be honest" the young woman said as she grabbed her [f/d], she waved goodbye and sat in her usual table at the end and near the window, she sipped her drink the taste instantly invading her tastebuds. She set the cup down and brought out her laptop and started typing.

A few minutes later the chime went off indicating someone had entered the shop, [Name] ceased her typing and looked up from her laptop. It was a young woman that looked about her age. [Name] shook her head she had to get these reports done, no distractions.

But she couldn't help but look at her again but this time she met her green eyes making the [h/c]-nette quickly look down embarrassed. She went back to typing, a scrap of a chair could be heard next to her she looked again and saw the pretty woman take out a laptop with furrowed brows. [Name] could feel her lips tug into a small frown what's wrong with her? she should be finishing these reports but she couldn't her mind kept going back to that blonde that was sitting down the table near.

[Name] once again looked at the corner of her eye to see the pretty lady typing something down, [Name] than focused back to her table, she grabbed her drink and went to take a sip. She frowned to see that there was nothing in it did she really drink all of this quickly? yes, yes she did.

Standing up she went to the counter and ordered her drink again, she leaned back on the counter and waited she found herself looking over to the woman again but this time she met her eye's, [Name] maintained eye contact this time finding herself lost in those emerald hues, they were so bright you could probably see them from a mile away.

"[-ame], [Name]!" Violet slightly yelled to get her attention, [Name] snapped out of it quickly and mumbled an apology as she paid and grabbed her drink, [Name] than started to walk but it seems that life had something else in mind. The [h/c]-nette hit her foot on the side of a chair making her stumble and her drink spill out it's liquid... all over the woman.

"Ah bloody hell—" the woman hissed, she looked up to see who caused it. The blonde slowly quietened down as she locked eyes with the [h/c] head.

"H-here le-let me help!" [Name] said embarassed as she started to wipe the womans chest area completely oblivious of how forward this was. The woman let out a startled yell.

"N-no! it's fine, it's fine.." the blonde yelled with a blush forming on her cheeks. The [Name] blushed out of embarresment and stuttered out.

"I'm so s-sorry, let.. let me make it up to you" the blonde thought for a moment and huffed.

"Well if you insist.." the woman wrote her number down on a spare napkin and shoved it in the [s/t] woman's hand.

"Here's my number, now excuse me i need to get cleaned" the woman explained as she grabbed her stuff. [Name] than remembered something.

"Wait!," the woman turned around and raised an expected eyebrow "I never got your name"

"...Alice" she replied as she walked out the little cafe.


i'm super sorry for the really late update i've just been busy with stuff. I hope i got the character right (probably not lmao).

word count : 812

(there will be a pt 2)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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