The Blood Titan

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A figure darkened the Command Deck. Antimos, the chief Librarian of the Fulminata Guard, had entered the Bridge.

Antimos had always had a dark presence about him, most Librarians did. Gladio didn't know why Kaeso had promoted Antimos to Chief Librarian, it seemed even the Chapter Master didn't like the Librarian. Gladio, however, had never brought those thoughts to light.

"Antimos," Kaeso asked, "What compelled you to cast you shadow on my Bridge?"

"Because I might have a solution." Antimos said simply, his voice sliding like a knife across Gladio's ears. He stalked lithely across the bridge. He was elegant, even for an Astartes. It didn't sit right with Gladio how he would... Glide across the floor.

Kaeso took sat down with a heavy sigh. He gestured to the Librarian. "Very well. Illuminate me."

Though Antimos wore his skull-faced helmet, like he always did, Gladio could feel Antimos grin.

"As I'm sure you all have gleaned at this point, we are trapped in the warp." He continued speaking before anyone on the bridge could remark. "It is quite the problem. But I believe I know how we can escape it."

"Enough preamble," Kaeso demanded, "Just tell me already."

"Essentially we're going to create a bomb to blow us out of the Warp."

"That's absurd," Kaeso stated. "If you're going to suggest the ridiculous then get off my bridge."

Antimos continued to slither across the command deck. "Now, I know it sounds unusual, but we find ourselves in unusual circumstances. We need a large influx of energy in order to get back to Realspace. I believe blowing the Warp drives at full power, and a certain frequency, could get us the energy we would need. Of course, we'd need to have a Psyker," he gestured to himself, "To direct the influx, to make sure it blasts us into the Materium instead of just blowing us into space dust."

Kaeso brooded silently for a few moments. Gladio interjected before the Chapter Master could speak.

"Sir, you can't honestly be thinking this to be a good idea."

"Well what other options do we have?" Kaeso said in a sudden outburst. "If you have any other ideas, I would love to hear them. This isn't a suggestion I take lightly, but if it could possibly save our chapter, then so be it. I will do what I have to to ensure that the Fulminata Guard does not die trapped in the Warp. If this is how we are destined to die, then we shall not go quietly."

Gladio managed to contain his retort, but only just. He clenched his fists, and bit down hard, choking his reply. He knew the Chapter Master was wise, but this seemed like utter madness to Gladio.

Kaeso turned Antimos. "Go. Prepare your plan. Notify me."

Antimos bowed graciously. It seemed especially snake-like to Gladio as rage filled his chest.

"I will keep you updated, my lord."

Cicero and Anius crashed into the hangar bay to see the chaos that was happening inside.

The Hangar was a large structure. It housed dozens of vessels, ranging from the smaller Stormtalons that lay strewn across the Hangar, to the large Thunderhawk gunships that sat in their moorings in the ceiling. Clusters of crates and shipping containers were scattered around the floor.

A few squads of Astartes were strewn across cluster of cover, firing hails of Bolter fire at a colossal Daemon. It stood the height of at least four Astartes, and had a breadth to match. Two massive wings adorned its back, though they were currently furled. In its hand it held a twin headed axe that was wreathed in flame. It snarled as the Bolts slammed into it, not even scratching the surface of its Daemonicly thick hide.

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