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"Have you received a report from the Engine team yet?"

Titus shook his head as he looked down at the console. Kaeso looked down at the floor of the command deck. Gladio could tell that the Chapter Master was frustrated.

"Sir," Gladio said, "I could lead a team down there and find out-"

"No," Kaeso said, "I need you here."

Gladio stopped, clenching his fists again. Kaeso wouldn't listen to him. He had solutions, but-

"Who all do we have reliable Vox communication with?" Kaeso asked.

Gladio stopped. He looked at Titus, but it was clear the quiet marine wouldn't answer the question.

"We... lost communication with Cicero earlier. We still have communication with a few hardpoints around the upper decks."

"Do we still have communication with Lieutenant Theos?" Gladio nodded. Kaeso continued.

"Do you trust him?"

Gladio paused for a moment.


Theos's Vox clicked. "Theos? Theos, can you hear me?"

He could hear Gladio speaking. His quickly responded. "This is Theos, what is needed?"

Gladio relayed a mission to Theos's ears. His face darkened as he heard it, taking in the details. Gladio was already formulating a plan, but he didn't like it at all.

"Understood. I'll keep you posted. Gladio, out."

His Vox clicked off as he looked as the assembled Astartes around him. There were seven that still stood. Seven gleaming Fulminata Guard was what he had to work with. He was proud of them no doubt, and he held belief in them, but if cries of a Bloodthirster in a hangar bay had been correct, he shuddered to know what he would find in the engine rooms. Perhaps it would be nothing, and just a symptom of failing Voxs that they couldn't be reached.

Or perhaps it was something far worse. It didn't matter either way.

"We've been tasked with securing the Engine Room," Theos said, "And by the Emperor, we will not fail."

"By the Emperor, we will not fail." The team responded in unison.

Theos looked down at the wounded, then to Lysus, cocking his head. He could feel Lysus grimace, even though they both wore helmets. He pointed at two on the wounded Astartes. The only two that they might be able to save. Theos nodded.

Theos grabbed two of the unwounded Astartes, commanding each one to bear one of their battle brothers. After both had secured their wounded, Theos turned to the hallway stretched out before them, the one past their barricade, where the Bloodletters had come from.

Theos had no good feelings about this mission. It spoke nothing but foreboding, and Theos didn't like any of it. But he had been commanded, and he was not one to shirk his duty. And though he didn't like it, he felt no fear. Theos knew no fear, and he would lead.

"Well, we march."

And with that command the ad hoc squad marched down the hallway, leaving their fortifications manned by a few half-dead and dying Astartes. They would have no need of battlements now, and even a dying Astartes could still hold a position.

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