The Old Kcalb (Everyone)

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Requested by: @Mingan_369

Scenario: The crew finds out about The Shadow Demon.

~3rd Person POV~

The Happy Hotel crew is out to celebrate. It's been one month since the hotel has been open and they surprising had residents checked into the hotel.

(A/N: I don't know if that's true but let's pretend it is)

Charlie was super happy about the hotel's progress so she wanted to celebrate. Since she is the princess of hell, she has enough money to go anywhere. Husk wanted everyone to go to a casino, Angel wanted a bar, Alastor wanted to go to the theater, Nifty wanted to get frozen yogurt, Vaggie and Kcalb didn't really care about where the location is to celebrate.
Charlie: Guys~! We have to figure out our location to celebrate!
Angel: I just wanted a bar but bitch over there doesn't agree.
Angel points at Vaggie and she erupt into flames.
Vaggie: Say that again you asshole!
Angel: Bitch~!
   Vaggie threw weapons at Angel as he swiftly dodged like a pro.
Charlie: I think a bar is a fine idea! I haven't been to one before so I'm curious!

(A/N: Once again, I'm making assumptions that Charlie never went to a bar.)

Vaggie: *sighs* Fine, as long as Angel doesn't choose it.
Angel: What wrong with my choices? I know a really goooood stripper bar~
Vaggie: No! This is exactly why I'm not letting you pick!
Alastor: I request a classy bar, ones where there won't be irritating demons~!
Kcalb: I second that...
Husk: Tch, I don't care. As long as they have some quality booze.
Nifty: I'm fine with anything!
Charlie: Hmm....this is difficult. Let me look up reviews online.
Charlie scroll through social media to look for the best bars.
Charlie: I found something! It's a pretty decent bar near here, it looks clean and has high quality booze.
Husk: I'm in!
Husk jumps into the Limo, Nifty follows in too.
Alastor glances at Charlie's phone and smiles.
Alastor: Alright~! Let's go you slowpokes!
Angel: *sighs* I wanted to see the strippers!
Kcalb pushes Angel Dust in and eventually they all ride to the bar. Once they made it, Charlie payed and everyone went in.

Nifty: Oooo~! This place is pretty! Kcalb: This is a nice place Charlie

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Nifty: Oooo~! This place is pretty!
Kcalb: This is a nice place Charlie.
Charlie: I knew I chose right~!
Alastor: Let's have a seat then!
Angel Dust spots a dance floor and smirks.
Angel: There's a dance floor~! I'm gonna hunt some meat~! You wanna join me handsome~!
Kcalb: No thank you.
Angel was gone to the dance floor, everyone else sat on a bar stool. A fire demon greets them and gave them some menus.

Husk: Your strongest stuff please!   The demon immediately gives Husk a glass of alcohol and he drinks it in a second

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Husk: Your strongest stuff please!
The demon immediately gives Husk a glass of alcohol and he drinks it in a second.
Husk: This shit's pretty good. Keep it coming!
Everyone order their drinks, except for Kcalb.
Vaggie: What's wrong Kcalb?
Kcalb: Can't drink alcohol, remember.
Husk: Just let loose! I wanna see what kinda drunk you are.
Alastor: His drunk self is entertaining~!
Kcalb: Nope, I'll never be drunk around you guys.
Kcalb returns the menu to the bartender.
Kclab: Do you have any non-alcoholic drinks here? I don't drink alcohol.
The fire demon nods and shows Kcalb the drink.
Kcalb: Yeah, that's perfect. I'll take that please.
   The demon makes it and hands it over to Kcalb.

Alastor: What's that Noir?Nifty: Ooo~! It's so cute! Can I have a cherry?Kcalb: It's called a Shirley Temple, it has no alcohol

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Alastor: What's that Noir?
Nifty: Ooo~! It's so cute! Can I have a cherry?
Kcalb: It's called a Shirley Temple, it has no alcohol. It's mostly juice.
   Kcalb hands the cherry to Nifty, who happily ate it.

   Eventually, Charlie and Nifty drags Vaggie to dance while Alastor, Husk and Kcalb has a nice time talking. The three spotted a pool table and decided to play.
Husk: I'm gonna beat both of your asses! *hiccups*
Alastor: Husker is definitely drunk~!
Kcalb: I'm not taking him home.
   They took turns, Husk and Alastor went first and Alastor won. Next was Kcalb and Alastor, Kcalb was so bad at the game, Alastor instantly wins.
Husk: You're so terrible at this.
Kcalb: *blushes* I'm not that bad...
   It was Husk and Kcalb's turn for the losers round. Kcalb leaned over and was gonna shoot the ball, then Angel suddenly shows up.
Angel: Nice ass handsome~!
   Kcalb glares at Angel he smiles at him with amusement.
Kcalb: Can your eyes move away from my ass?
Angel: No can do, it's stuck~!

Suddenly, something was thrown at Kcalb and he dodges. A glass of wine hit the wall behind Kcalb.
?: YOU!!!
Everything goes quiet, the demon that shouted glares at Kcalb.
?: I'm gonna take revenge on what you did to my turf Shadow Demon!
Angel: Shadow Demon?
Husk: Is he talking about Kcalb?
Alastor: Oh~? Want me to handle this Noir?
Kcalb shook is head no. Charlie, Vaggie and Nifty came back.
Charlie: What's going on?
Angel: Our little Kcalb is in trouble~!
Kcalb: *sighs* Who are you?
?: How could you not remember the demon, who you took my turf from me??!! Now you're gonna pay Shadow Demon! All of these years without fighting, you should be a weakling now!
Vaggie: Sh-Shadow Demon! It can't be Kcalb!
Charlie: No way!

Kcalb: Haven't heard that name for years. If you wish for death, come at me.
?: Your life is going to end today!
The demon rushes at Kcalb and jumps to attack. Angel and Husk were going to defend Kcalb but they were stopped by Alastor.
Angel: What are you doing!? Let me go!
Alastor: Let him handle it.
Kcalb stood still until the demon was close. It looked like the demon was going to stab Kcalb's eyes but the demon was stopped with just one finger.
?: I-I can't move!
Kcalb: Good bye.
A black hole shows up under the demon and Kcalb kicks the demon down. The demon was vaporize, shocking the whole bar. Alastor claps in enjoyment.
Alastor: Bravo~! Haven't seen you kill anyone in years!
Kcalb: *sighs* I just wanted to enjoy my day.
The crew eventually payed and drove to the hotel. During the limo ride, everyone but Alastor stared at Kcalb.
Kclab: *sighs* I know you're all curious, ask away.
Vaggie: You're seriously the Shadow Demon, one of the strongest demons to have the power to take down Lucifer himself and yet, you suddenly went AFK?
Alastor: That's right~! Ol' sport over there is seriously the Shadow Demon.
Charlie: Why didn't you tell us?
Kcalb: My past shouldn't have concern you all. The Shadow Demon was my younger self, it's not who I am anymore.
Nifty: What other powers do you have?
Kcalb: You'll find out eventually.

Husk: So like, are you ducking stronger than that bastard over there.
Husk points at Alastor.
Alastor: I can confirm, Kcalb is very much stronger than me.
Angel: My sweet Kcalb was secretly a bad boy? I'm into that~!
Vaggie: Stop being damn horny all the time!
Angel: Hey! I can't control my sex drive!
Everyone calmed down but they were pretty chill now that they knew a bit of Kcalb's past.
Angel: By the way, what did he look like when he was younger Alastor?
Charlie: Yeah, all photos of the Shadow Demon were destroyed mysteriously.
Alastor smirks and pulls out a folded up paper from his suit.
Alastor: I happen to have a photo of him in his younger days~!
Kcalb: *blushes* Destroy that! That phase was embarrassing!
Alastor: The youngsters are curious! They need to know~
Kcalb swiftly grabs the photo and burns it. The limo arrives at the hotel in time and Kcalb teleports away in embarrassment.
Nifty: I wanted to see!
Alastor: Don't worry, I have saved copies~! They're not with me so next time~!
Alastor teleports away too, making everyone even more curious! New mission, find out what Kcalb looks like when he was a shadow demon. This experience today, made their bond grow.

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