Cute Montage (Everyone)

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Requested by: @TheWeirdCorner

Scenario: The crew notice Kcalb being cute without him knowing.

   The crew except Kcalb were hanging out in the Happy Hotel's bar. Kcalb went home for the night to sleep, happily ready to jump in his bed. The crew was drinking about random topics.

Nifty: Oh~! Yesterday, I saw this shiiiiiny thing! I...don't remember what it was. I made some cookies today though!
   Nifty was happily sipping her drink.
Angel: Boring~!
Vaggie: And what interesting thing you've done recently?
Angel: You wanna hear my sex stories? I have some wild customers~!
Vaggie: Ew! No!
   Vaggie showed a face full of disgust as Angel smirks.

Charlie: I'm just happy to spread joy to our guest~!
Charlie was sparkling, blinding everyone else.
Husk: I just drank booze today, nothing special about that. In fact, I'm gonna drink more!
Husk takes a big swig of his cheap booze.
Alastor: I had a lovely stroll today~!
Alastor just gives off an eerie vibe, making the rest not question what he did on his scroll.
Angel: You guys are boring~! Where's my handsome demon daddy? I want him here.
Angel Dust whines for Kcalb.
Nifty: Speaking of Kcalb, I saw him do something very cute this week~!

The mention of Kcalb and cute made the rest pay attention to Nifty.
Vaggie: Cute?
Charlie: Really? If we are talking about our cute Kcalb moments, I have a story too!
Angel: Please! My story of cute Kcalb will be better than all you fuckers.
Husk: Fuck you.
Alastor: Oh? Let's make this a competition then~! Whoever has the cutest Kcalb moment will win some money~!
Alastor grins as he placed some money on the bar top.
Alastor: *smiles* I'm gonna win but let's see shall we~
Everyone agreed and placed some money.
Vaggie: Who's starting?
Charlie: I think Nifty should go first. Since she mention it first.
Nifty: Alright~! Be prepared to say "awwww!"


I was baking at Kcalb's apartment! I found this lovely recipe on cake and I wanted a baking session together! As I come over, I decided to surprise him. I sneakily sneaked in and slowly head to the kitchen to pop out and surprised him. As I got there, I saw the cutest thing ever!

He was wearing regular clothes! I always see him in his suit but the first time seeing something is so cute! He was preparing the baking tools. And you know what was the extra cuteness? He was wearing the cutest, most frilly apron ever! Bonus was that he was singing a tune! I never seen him look less grumpy! Unfortunately, he sensed me and stopped humming.
Kcalb: ...Nifty, I know you're there.
Nifty: Haha...surprise?
Kcalb: *sighs* You're lucky I like you. Now come on and help.
After that, we had a great baking time! He also had some whip cream on his nose, see~!


Nifty whipped out her phone, showing the exact description of Kcalb in her story. He wasn't looking as he's focusing on decorating the cake. This was making them lightly blush.
Charlie: Aw~!
Angel: Damn, that is fucking cute!
Vaggie: How is he so cute...while looking like a grump.
Husk: I need to shield my eyes, I can't take it.
Alastor: Send that to me darling~!
Nifty was happily remembering their baking session.
Angel: I'll go next~! Be prepared to die from cuteness!

~Angel Dust~

I was finishing my fucking business. Having sex while draining money from poor saps and doing my regular strip teases. As I enter the hotel and enter my room, I noticed two fucking adorable things. My cute little pet Nugget and my favorite handsome demon~!

He was sitting on the floor, playing with my dear Nugget, blushing and gently petting my lovely pet.
Angel: Aw~!
I instantly took a pic before Kcalb could snatch my phone.
Kcalb: Delete that!
Angel: Tell me why you're in my room handsome~
He blushed in embarrassment, making him 10x cuter!
Kcalb: I...I'm fond of cute animals. I heard something in your room so as part of hotel staff, I have to check on anything suspicious. I came in and saw your cute pet.
   As Kcalb started telling his story, Nugget was relaxing in his lap.
Kcalb: Eventually I sometimes come in your room, feed your pet a snack or play with it and then leave.

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