Chapter 4

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I woke up felling like butt. I tried to sit up but my hands were tied down. I looked around the room I was in. It looked like some type of medical room. I noticed I was still in mer form and was sitting in a shallow pool of water. I was still in my armor and helmet so that was good news. The door to the white room opened and Alex walked in.
"Why am I here." I snapped, he just smiled.
"Because I want you." He said getting closer. "Change back for me." He said as he stroked my arm. Sparks erupted on my arm at his touch. I jerked my arm away.
"No, I will not change." I spoke bitterly. I looked at Alex, his green eyes stared into my sea foam ones. I felt something pulling me to him.
"Why not? You're going to be staying here any way so better to change now." Alex smirked.
"I will never stay here, my place is the ocean!" I spat.
"Well your new place is a tank, take her to it boys." Alex said as four guys came in.
He must have forgotten I can control the elements, but now is not the time to escape.
I recognized all the guys from school. Mat was the taller blonde, Eric was the other blonde, Tanner was the ginger and Kaon was the dirty blonde. Alex was undoing the ropes holing down my tail and I may have accidentally hit him in the face.
"Oops?" I glared at him, as I was lifted and thrown into a tank that evidently was a wall in Alex's room. I sunk down to a corner of the tank and observed my nails. Maybe when I get home I'll paint them blue or something.
"When ever you're ready to transform I'll be here waiting." Alex smirked sitting on his bed facing me.
"Haha! Like hell I'll be doing that." I smirked.

It was around three am and Alex was sound asleep. Knowing that werewolves were notoriously heavy sleepers and that this tank was made of shader prof glass, I threw my tail at successfully creating two large cracks. The water started to leak out a bit and since the break was at the top of the tank I was able to punch a hole in the glass, I used quite a bit of power to give myself legs under water and pulled myself threw the hole I had created. I walked up to Alex in his sleep. "See you around dog breath" I whispered in his ear and kissed him on the cheek. Alex stirred a bit in his sleep and opened his eyes seeing me. But thinking nothing of it he shut them again. Knowing it wouldn't be long before he woke up I made my escape. I had just made it to the cliff when I heard the howl/growl that told me Alex had figured it out and that I was gone. I smirked as I dove into the ocean. I linked my people that I was back, safe but the werewolves remained a threat and if my people were to choose to return to their homes, they should proceed with caution.

Alex has crossed a line, he crossed it when he challenged my authority of this ocean.

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