First Case: Arizona (part 1)

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[I'm going to be making up the cases]

Chapter 5

-Nalani's Pov

"So our recent victim's name is Charles Baker. He's 29 years old, and a recent dad. As you can see from the pictures, his hands and feet were cut off and his throat cut. I don't have word on any other marks being critical." Analyzing the photos, I knew something was off, "his wounds were the same as the last two victims, Kyle and Mark. Both men were also 29 year old dads." Rossi finished the report he had.

"What was cause of death?" Hotch asked.

"The throat being cut." Rossi answered. No. That wasn't correct. But do I say something?

"Nali do you have something to say?" Reid asked me interjecting, causing me to jump a little. He must have noticed my frustration.

"Yes..." I spoke up suddenly, not being able to control myself. Hey what can I say, I know a lot with this topic.

"What do you mean, Kale?" Hotch stared at me.

"Well I'm able to see that the cut on the neck was not deep compared to what I've seen before. And by cutting off the hands and feet, you'd lose a lot of blood. And all three men have small indents in their heads, actually hard to see, that show they were hit overhead with something, probably causing a concussion. Along with those, I just noticed there are many incisions on his chest, which were poorly sewn or covered up." Wow where did all this confidence come from?

"So you think he bled to death and then cut their throats as a cover up?" Hotch questioned me.

"Yes. I've seen many cases of people's throats being cut. They tend to be longer and deeper." I finished my statement, feeling good about it- but I'd rather be with the victims right now.

"And you were able to tell from pictures?"

"Well yes, but I would still like to examine the bodies when we get there."

"That's why you're here Kale, thank you." I nodded, turning to see Reid smile at me. I returned one, "okay, wheels up in 30."


"That was impressive... What you did earlier." I was attempting to make myself coffee on the plane. It's so cool they get to travel privately on such a nice plane at that.

"Thanks... Reid." I smiled looking up at him.

"I could tell you were in some zone that you were comfortable with. I don't think I've ever seen you as confident before."

"It's what I like to do, I guess...."

"You didn't really seem affected by the damage done to the body as much?" JJ interjected as Reid and I sat down. The rest of the team turned towards me.

"I-I've seen a lot worse is all." They looked satisfied with my answer, not pressuring to know more. I turned away from the group to face out the window, seeing nothing but pitch black. Let's just say I don't like planes, mainly because of the height. I subconsciously began to fiddle with my phone, immediately wondering what my team- wait old team is up to.

"Have you ever been to Arizona before, Nali?" Reid asked, breaking an uncomfortably awkward silence.

"N-no, only ever Hawaii and New York City."

"You're from Hawaii?" Derek asked, raising a brow.

"Y-yep, I came here at 18."

"Cool. Do you miss it?"

"Yes and n-no. I loved the islands, the people... Well most, and the weather- It was just some stuff with my family happened when myself and my brother wanted to leave for college." They may as well know.

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