Chapter one: Pilot.

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          It was 8:31am at the 99th Precinct and the NYPD officers were having a morning briefing. Detective Amy Santiago had just begun her walk of shame to change a number 23 to a small 24 on the whiteboard that was at the front of the room. Jake Peralta, a fellow detective had made a bet with her to see would could make the most arrests. It was in action and going strong. Jake had just arrested a man who robbed an electronics store, but his "man on the inside" being a teddy bear nanny cam, she had stated that, "You got lucky." Fuzzy Cuddle bear you magnificent bear you.

"No, I just got here five minutes before you, and figured that in this gigantic electronics store, there had to be at least one working camera." He explained smugly.

Three men came on the plethora of tv screens behind him as he connected them to the bear.
"Oh! Hi bad guys!"

"You did it fuzzy, you busted 'em. It's time to come home." Jake held 'Fuzzy' up to Amy's face and talked behind it.

"I'm not sure if I can." He said, "as the bear".

"I've been undercover so long, I've forgotten who I am..."

Amy stood in annoyance, as he impersonated the doll.

"I haven't known the touch of a woman in many moons-"

"Alright.." She said, done with his little act. Walking away, he called out- still as Fuzz- in an exaggerated low strained voice, "Detective Santiago! ...Don't walk away from me!"


"Ugh, I hate this." Amy groaned, after erasing and rewriting in defeat. The square in the corner of the board now read:
Peralta:24 | Santiago: 23

"Ah yeah. You're just gonna want to add one... I'm winning~"
Jake gloated as the room "ooed" and clapped behind them.

"Feels good." He said, smirking victoriously as she took her seat.

"Enjoy it while it lasts." She replied slyly, to the overly-confident officer.

He gave a huge smile back. "I will!"

Soon Jake got up and went to the front of the room to give a briefing about a murder that had occurred earlier that morning. Someone had decided to shoot and kill a luxury food importer named Henry Morgenthau. Body was found by the cleaning lady. During an interview, Jake said he had "deduced with his expert detective work" that she had something super gross stuff on her chin.
The room all groaned in disgust. Terry Jeffords, the Sargent of the precinct, stood idly by -uncomfortable.

"I think it was flan." Charles Boyle spoke up guessing. He was a major foodie, and even ran a blog, despite being a cop.

Jake pointed at him with the slideshow remote. "Charles thinks it was flan, I think it was butterscotch pudding."

"Maybe it was just old person's gunk. You know how old people always have that gunk on them." Rosa Diaz chimed in as well. Even with her bad ass personality, she enjoyed the sidetracked conversation.

"Oldie gunk, could be, yeah. Anyone else?" Jake looked around the room as they murmured their "yeahs" and thoughts on the unnecessary matter.

Sarge cut them off, trying to get them back on track.
"How about we focus on the murder, and not the old person gunk?"

Jake sat down and Amy said that crime techs were at the scene and that they were heading back when they are done.

"Okay, I want you on this. It's going to be priority one for the new C.O."

Rosa asked about the new captain.
"Tell us about him."
Sarge assured them that he'd be there soon and that he'd want to introduce himself.

Raymond Holt was his name, and they were all waiting in anticipation.


    While this was all going on, a certain young woman was on her way to apply to join the 99th precinct. Ruby Vincent. Nobody knew she was coming, or who she was, but she was determined to get this job. She needed it. Every temp job or every secretary position, she failed miserably. She wanted to be involved in the community, and police work intrigued her very much. Die Hard was also her favorite film, so of course she wanted to feel like she was in the movie. It was silly, but she loved it nonetheless. Unfortunately her serious dorky rants on the movie or anything in general, got her into a lot of trouble. She didn't have a problem with authority per say, but she did like doing things her own way. Her over-baring abusive mother had enough of her and kicked her out. She was currently living in her brother's basement; and was ashamed of it. Especially since he had a wife and kids. It was very awkward. His wife, Michelle, hated her, but the kids found her interesting. She was closed off for the most part. Very serious and not friendly on the outside. But getting to know her, you would find her companionship loyal. Yet, nobody would take a chance on her.

Ruby didn't know that her aunt's ex-husband was also working at the nine-nine. Norm Scully. He ate poorly, had a lot of health issues and was pretty dumb in her eyes. But she knew he was a great detective back in the 70s and 80s, so she respected him regardless of his eating habits. She wasn't body shaming him, she was personality shaming him. Not subconsciously though, she tried to be polite though it came off bluntly. Hopefully he wouldn't give her trouble. Her aunt kept calling her at 3am drunk ranting about how much money he owes her. It was getting old. She was heavily considering on changing her number...


"Ah I'm late!" You checked your watch as you sped up your leisurely pace to a sprint. 
"8:30?! The interview is at  9!"  You cursed at yourself for dicking around. You over-dicked it! You thought you had time but you were over confident. That extra stop for coffee and an everything bagel wasn't worth it. You had to return it anyway. What kind of everything bagel doesn't include bacon?? So dumb.

Chugging down your beverage you quickly tossed it into the nearest trash can after whisper yelling "Kobe!" , on the curb of the sidewalk. New Yorkers really litter a lot, so you took the chance to find actual garbage cans any chance you got.

"Come on Rube, try to smile a little. Resting bitch face always gets you into fights you definitely are too weak to win..." Reaching the precinct doors, you pepped yourself up. 

Opening your tote bag you had slung over your shoulder, you took out your portfolio for the interview. Even though it was your hundredth time re-reading everything, you wanted to make sure you didn't forget something. Pushing up your glasses, you held the folder tightly to your chest while you pressed the elevator button. Rocking on your feet, you said a prayer for good luck.


"This is it... don't screw it up. Game face on."

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