Chapter two: The Tagger.

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8:03am at the 99th Precinct.

   You were already at the precinct and avoiding Boyle. You were ashamed of yourself  for getting your hopes up. It was just a one time blow off, so you shouldn't let it get to you. You had gobbed concealer on to cover your puffy swollen eyes. Gina had taken notice of it but you brushed her off. "Sad movie." You had told her offhandedly. Your barrier was back up and stronger than before.
Amy had also noticed and offered a listening ear.

"That's very kind of you." You answered, mentally securing another lock onto your emotional defense walls. There's no way you wanted to bother someone you had just met with your silly one sided attraction.

You were also avoiding Diaz, mostly because you were terrified of her, but also because you knew you couldn't compete with such an amazing woman. Trying to distract yourself from the tom foolery that was feelings, you sat at  your joined desk with Gina and got to work. There was a man in Captain Holt's office, so he was currently sitting at Jake's desk; awaiting his late arrival. Three minutes late to be exact.

Jake stepped off the elevator and groaned sarcastically happy when he saw the Captain in his chair.

"Ah. Captain. You're at my desk. Just what I wanna see first thing in the morning." 

"You're three minutes late Peralta." Holt said in front of him. He stood up with hands on his hips.

You watched Jake try and explain himself from the confrontation. 

He slid his bag off his shoulder and tossed it into the floor.

"Not my fault. I had a plumbing problem." He paused.

"Which reminds me, I'm going to need another departmentally issued phone." 

He had chucked his phone across the room that morning when his alarm went off. The landing wasn't very graceful. It had reached the toilet with an unfortunate splash.

The Captain titled his head unamused with no smile in sight.

"Oh come on, really? I'm a few minutes late and you're going to call me out in front of everyone?" Jake complained, aggravated by Holt's pettiness.

"Good idea. Everyone?" Raising his voice he called out to the precinct. You pitted him for the unwanted attention that Jake was getting. You'd die if that was you.

"Gather round, so I can call out Peralta in front of you."

You reluctantly joined the gathering with the smirking others.

"Okay fine." Jake admitted in defense.

"I was three minutes late. I'm sorry for doing one thing wrong."

"Oh it's more than one thing." The Captain retorted, picking up folders of files that was at his desk.

"Uh oh." He said quietly.

You shook your head. 
"Oh dear. Not the files."  You thought, knowing now how messy he could be. It was only your second day, yet even you knew how unorganized Peralta was.

"Let's start with the Kristov murder." Holt put his glasses on and opened the folder.

"It was an amazing solve. I got him to confess in 20 minutes." Jake explained, crossing his arms.

"You also mislabeled the evidence," He pointed to the file then at Terry while lecturing. "So, that confession is worthless if the Sargent hadn't caught your mistake."

Terry awkwardly scratched his head in the background while you sipped your coffee as well.

Holt went on. 
"Here are three cases with sloppy paperwork. Here are two pictures."

Grabbing photos on his desk, he held them up to Peralta.

"One is your locker. The other one is a garbage dump in the Philippines. Can you tell which is which?" Asking while moving them back and forth slightly, he asked.

"Uhh.." Jake pointed to the right image. "That one's the dump?"

"They're both your locker." He snapped.

Gah! I should've guessed that. He's good." He glanced at you and you just gave him a pained smile behind your mug.

Grabbing another case file, Holt wasn't slowing down at all.
"This folder is labeled "undies, dirty."

"So I won't confuse it with "Undies, clean! Also, who cares about the all these rules?" Jake was getting annoyed.

"I have more felony arrests than any other Detective here."

"You also have more mice living in your desk than any other Detective." Holt opened Jake's desk drawer revealing a live mouse digging around the trash that cultivated there.

"Oh my goodness!" You screeched, taking a big step back.. hitting Boyle's shoulder.

"S-sorry." You quickly stepped away. He was going to say something but Jake's "Algernon! Guys, Algernon is back!" Cut him off.

Amy cringed at the mouse as well while the roomed "uhh"ed.

"Get rid of the mouse." Holt said sternly, removing his glasses. "And get your act together now."

"He's grumpy." Jake whispered to the rodent climbing around his hand.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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