Untitled Part 11

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Chapter 23 – Never Marry a Man with Two Tintins



While Cheng Nuo was standing there, stunned by this unexpected event, Bai Rui pushed the door open and strode out.

From the other room, Liu Guang heard what Cheng Nuo had said. He hurriedly ran out and glared at Cheng Nuo. "Why are you so good to him? Why do you want him to stay for dinner? He's not that special anyway!"

Cheng Nuo flicked him on the forehead and smiled: "He's still hurt. He's helped us so don't be too stingy. I think the two of you can be friends."

Liu Guang's lips thinned and he said angrily: "When have I ever been stingy? Who is going to be friends with that Bai person? Don't you have eyes?! And what about you? Who told you that you could enter that time? You're not allowed to look at other people's bodies!"

The corner of Cheng Nuo's eyes twitched. He definitely wouldn't look at those "two birds" next time. Who would be able to bear that sort of stimulation?

Cheng Nuo's hands were injured so the food was cooked by two people. Liu Guang couldn't cook but he was very good at cutting vegetables and noodles. First, they steamed snow-white buns then they fried six dishes. Lastly, they used the meat of the wild animals that Liu Guang had just brought back from his hunt to cook a big pot of stew. Both of them ate until their bellies bulged.

There were some steamed buns left over. Cheng Nuo added those to some dishes that he had set aside in advance and asked Liu Guang to send them to Bai Rui. Without turning a hair, Liu Guang promised to do it but he secretly turned around and gave them to Cao Tou.

That evening, Cheng Nuo was still very worried about the Ice Snake. He dreamed that it was chasing him, trying to bite him. There was also a dream where it sought Bai Rui to get its revenge on him. He broke into a cold sweat in his sleep.

He woke up with a start, wiped the sweat from his forehead, then saw the messy red hair lying on his chest. He was a little speechless. No wonder he dreamed of being entangled then swallowed by a snake! Liu Guang was hugging his waist tightly and his head was on Cheng Nuo's chest, making him feel suffocated in his sleep. He carefully moved Liu Guang off but Liu Guang quickly rolled over again and squeezed himself against Cheng Nuo again.

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However, although Liu Guang's sleeping position was quite bad, he looked really cute when he was asleep. His eyelashes were long, his mouth was slightly open, and his thin little chest was rising and falling with each breath.

Cheng Nuo couldn't help but reach out to stroke his hair and touch his forehead lightly with his lips. His restless mood had finally calmed and a tender feeling rose in his heart. He had been lucky to meet such a troublesome, hot-tempered, self-important, noisy child in this strange, rotten other world. He took Liu Guang's little body into his arms and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

In the next three or four days, Cheng Nuo went to Bai Rui's house several times to talk to him about the Ice Snake. Many people were afraid to go hunting because of the commotion the Ice Snake had made. Liu Guang was totally indifferent to the threat: "It didn't fight me! Ha! If I had been at home that day, I would have beaten it up!"

Cheng Nuo nervously pinched his face and wouldn't allow Liu Guang to go to the mountains until it was safe. He repeatedly asked Liu Guang to not take risks and Liu Guang reluctantly agreed.

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