The Fight

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Today was Elliot's first day back in 4 years. Olivia was worried about how Fin would act. She knew he was mad at him for the way he left.

The first people to show up were Nick and Amanda.

10 minutes later fin. She knew any minute know Elliot would show up and Fin would do something about it.

She was correct. Elliot showed up 5 minutes after Fin.

Fin got up out of his seat and walker over to Elliot.

"Just what the hell do you think your doing here!?"

"I have a right to see Sergeant benson."

"Yeah right."

"Fin, move out of my way so I can go talk to Liv."

"You can't call her liv anymore. You lost the privilege too 4 years ago."


Fin raised his fist and punched Elliot right in the face breaking his nose.

Elliot held his face for a second then socked fin in the side.

Olivia ran out of her office and yelled at Fin and Elliot.

"Elliot and Fin. What the hell are you doing?! Your grown men for god sakes."


"Don't Liv me Fin. My office now. Eliot get to the hospital and get your nose checked out."

Olivia walked back in to her office.

"Liv.... I..."

"Fin, your suspended without pay for a week. Give me your badge and gun then leave."

Fin did as told.

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