Humpy Bong!?!?

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A week later

Roger was feeling a lot better and it was visible. He had gained his weight again, his eyes were looking with emotions and he had been giving Brian his love, he always tried to give when Roger was feeling bad. Even though he mostly ignored Brian when he was in depression, this only made their bond grow even tighter, seeing they couldn't live without each other.
Meanwhile, Smile was doing alright -pun intended- too! The gigs were increasing and they have found fans. They had started to earn some money from it. It was a small amount but it was still enough to make them happy.
There was one week for school to start again so Brian and Roger were enjoying each other's company as much as possible.
Their education was going pretty well too.
And on top of that...
Tim had introduced them to one of his friends. His name was Farrokh Bulsara. He was from a Zoroastrian family and was from Zanzibar. Though, he rather liked being called Freddie. He was a design student, in the same class with Tim and was a year older than Brian. The four of them had started hanging out. When he learnt they were a couple, he didn't believe it at first.

"But you're very opposite poles, darlings. You're blondish, your hair's dark. You're tall, you're short in comparision with him. Your hair's straight, you're curly."

He was pointing at them while describing them.

"Enough with the physical appearance, my dears, your natures. One's quiet, one's energetic. One's calm, one's aggresive at times."

"Freddie, how was your physics class in high school?"
Brian asked, exchanging a look with Roger.

"Bad. Why did you ask?"

"No wonder you don't know opposite poles pull each other..."

Brian wrapped an arm around Roger's waist and pulled him closer. Freddie smirked at him mischeviosly.

"Well, okay, you got me there curly boy but I still don't believe you."
(He actually believed them but wanted to see what they would do to prove it.)

Brian leaned in and kissed Roger shortly while Freddie watched them with admiration. When they broke, Brian pulled Roger even closer -even squeezed a little bit- to the point Roger lost his balance a little bit and layed himself on Brian's arm. He started tickling Roger's jaw.

"This little boy's all mine!"

Roger giggled looking at his boyfriend with sparkling, big, blue eyes.

"The lovebirds, they're adorable aren't they, Tim?" Freddie asked.

Tim softly nodded in reply.

Then they continued to chat, walk and hang around.

                        A week later...

College started and Brian and Roger returned to the routine of secretly seeing each other in breaks and acting like they were friends. Nobody knew that they were a couple except for Freddie and Tim.
Also, Freddie, Roger and Brian's friendship had only grew closer and they had been meeting each other without Tim because Tim was a little cold towards them for a while. The reason why was soon exposed, on Saturday.

"Humpy Bong..."

"So you're leaving us for Humpy fucking Bong?! That's it?! Just like that?!" Roger asked with his hands on his hip.

"Sorry guys but we're going nowhere with this."

"Don't do it, Tim."

"Sorry Brian. I have to."

Tim just left the two there and they looked as he go.

Roger chuckled with anger.
He started massaging his forehead with his fingers. Brian was in disbelief aswell.

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