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It's been four years since Nora died.
For the last year, Barry and Iris have been trying for another child but it seemed fate was not on their side.
After four failed IVF attempts, they were finally willing to consider adoption.
The house was too big for just the two of them and lately it seemed all their friends were hosting baby showers and eager to share their joy of their growing family with anyone who cared to listen.
After making an appointment with the adoption agency, they were more than ready to receive the good news.
They waited by the phone day and night,ears open for anything that might sound like a ringing phone.
They were at the Allen house for dinner with Barry's parents.
Although they participated in the conversations,their eyes were on their phones which was on the table.
Nora: They are going to call. I know it. Just have faith.
Iris: We hope so.
Barry: It just feels like it's taking forever.
Henry: Your mom's right. It will all work out. Have faith son.
Barry: Thanks Dad.
Nora: So, have you thought about names?
Iris: We haven't really thought about that. The last time we......it was different. We were different and now it's just.....it makes me think about Nora. Does that make me a bad mother?
Nora: Honey, you are an amazing mother. Nora was your first child and you never forget your first. Every child is different. Every birth is different. I..... I lost a child once. A baby girl.
Barry: Mom....
Nora: It was before you were born. About three years before you were born. We had picked out names and clothes and toys and a crib. We were ready. We were careful. I was on bed rest for half the pregnancy. Your dad insisted. He wanted us to be safe. We did everything. The right food, vitamins. My husband's a doctor so we did all the right things. Everything was fine.... until that morning. I just didn't feel right. By the time the doctor came, I was almost unconscious. They did everything they could. I had the best doctors on my case but... she was stillborn. If Lisa had lived, she would be thirty-one.
Iris: Mom... I'm so sorry. I had no idea....
Nora: It's okay honey. I'm fine. I just want you to know that I understand how you feel. The pain doesn't make you a bad mother. You're just a mom........ who has lost a child.
Barry: I always thought you were tough but I didn't know how much until today.... Why didn't you say anything Dad?
....after what I said....
Henry: You were hurting. I completely understand but it wasn't my story to tell and I promised your mom I wouldn't say anything without her permission.
Nora: We were really young when we lost Lisa. We didn't handle it well but we got help and we got better. Watching you two go through this.......painful situation with so much grace and trust and love. I'm certain that you can face anything life throws at you together..... I'm so proud of you...both of you.
Henry: I feel the same way too.
Barry: Thanks Mom,Dad.....
Iris: We couldn't have survived this without you two. We owe you a lot....Thank you for giving birth to this amazing man... I can't imagine life without him...
Barry: You never have to... I'm not going anywhere..
Nora: I think we did good with this guy.
Henry: I think so too. We would be lost without you.
Nora: That's reassuring.....
And they all laughed together genuinely enjoying each other's company.....
Barry and Iris were at the hospital waiting to receive news about the baby boy they were about to adopt.
Iris was stressing over the fact that they were unprepared for the baby they were expecting.
She was explaining to Barry how the nursery had to be repainted and new toys had to be bought even though they had spent the last week preparing for the baby's arrival when the lawyer walked up to them to inform them that the woman had changed her mind about giving up the baby for adoption.
Iris was heart broken and fainted from exhaustion........
She was immediately rushed to the nearest room and a doctor was called to examine her.....
When Iris woke up thirty minutes later, Barry was sitting by her bedside weariness written all over him.....
Iris: Hi handsome.
Barry: Hey... Don't you ever scare me like that again.
Iris: I won't. I promise.
Barry: You had me so worried.
Iris: I know. I'm sorry.
Dr Palmer: Barry. Iris, I'm glad you are awake.
Barry: Hi Ray
Iris: Raymond, hi.
Barry: Are the test results out?
Dr Palmer: Yes.... I don't know how to say this...
Iris: Ray, you're scaring me.
Barry: Is she sick....
Dr Palmer: No.. Of course not. She's just exhausted and with enough rest, they will be both fine.
Barry: They?
Dr Palmer: Congratulations... You are going to be parents...
Iris: What do you mean...
Barry: You are saying.....
Iris: That I'm...
Dr Palmer: Pregnant.. You're pregnant.... About two weeks..
Iris: Oh my God.....
Barry: I'm gonna be a Dad. We are going to be parents
Iris: I can't believe this....
Dr Palmer: Congratulations guys.
I'm so happy for you. Iris, you have to be extremely careful. This is a high risk pregnancy. Barry, you have to make sure she doesn't do anything stressful and gets lots of rest.
Barry: Yeah... We'll be careful.
Dr Palmer: I'll let you love birds talk.
Barry: Congratulations Mommy.
Iris: Congratulations Daddy.
Barry: Hey, talk to me..
Iris: Barry, I'm scared......
Barry: It's okay. You are both going to be okay. I promise you, I will protect you both..
Iris: I know. I trust you... I love you Barry Allen..
Barry: I love you too....

There is always light at the end of every tunnel.....
Whatever you may be going through.... God's got you covered.
Have a great week!
Stay blessed!

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