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Two weeks after Nora's funeral, Barry and Iris took a drive to the cemetery to see her.
On getting there, Barry placed fresh flowers on her grave while Iris traced her fingers along the cold gravestone.
On the headstone was written the following words that best described how much her parents valued her:NORA WEST-ALLEN- Our Priceless Jewel.
After replacing the flowers,they stood there hand in hand and reminisced about nora's childhood days. How they felt bringing her home for the first time. How they stayed up all night that first night they came home from the hospital, just to make sure she was breathing just fine. Her first steps,her first word , her first christmas,her first birthday,her first day of school. They were both a mess as they waved at her from the window,tears streaming down their faces scared of parting with her even if it was only for a few hours.
Fridays were Barry's favorite day of the week because it was date night with Nora for their father- daughter bonding.
Thursdays were girls night out and Barry had kitchen duty from Thursday till Sunday.
Saturdays were for family game night. Everyone had separate and individual activities from Monday to Wednesday but made time for family from Thursday to Sunday.
So even though Barry was often occupied with work, he made sure he never missed their family traditions.
This was the first time they'd come here since the funeral. They had been too occupied with work and grief to come here on their own or with each other.
They have both come to terms with losing a major part of their lives. They were thankful for the time they got to spend with her and while knowing she was in a better place doesn't diminish the pain or make it go away, they were confident that this isn't the end,they would see her again but until then,they had to keep living as best as they can.....
B: I love you Nora. I'm so glad I got to be your Dad. I miss you so much but I know that we'll be together again. Thank you for being the best daughter any father can ask for. I promise to be a better husband to your mom and to always protect her by her side.
I: I love you so much honey and I am so proud of you. Your  Papa Joe always said that God gives us children so we'd have roses in December. Well, you gave me a garden full of roses Nora. I'm so glad I got to be your Mom. I miss you so much already and my heart breaks anytime I think of you but I know I'll be alright. I'll be just fine. I promise to be a better wife to your Dad and to be more understanding of the times that he has to go "save the world" as you always put it.
B: We will try not to be too sad and to come see you as often as we can. We love you so much....
I: Goodbye Baby
They both wiped the tears from their eyes as they tried to smile, perhaps to convince their little girl that they are going to be fine.
As they walked out of the cemetery holding hands, they both felt more alive than they had for weeks. Perhaps they were finally on the road to healing...........
           AUTHOR'S NOTE
Hi guys. I have a little surprise for you in the next chapter!      Can you guess what it is?
Well, I can assure you that it is the last thing you will expect but it will help Barry and Iris on their road to healing 😄
Now, I know a lot of people have been wondering why I am writing this story but this is how I hoped the flash would handle the impact of Nora's death on West-Allen😭.
I hope you enjoy my story. Until next time, have a great day!

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