Chapter II | Part III

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"Does that thing really have to be in the same room as us?" the Queen stared at Vincent with the upmost distain.

"How is he going to save your life again if he is in the hall?" Adrian stared.

"He ruins my appetite."

"Mother, dearest, why are you so afraid? I'll tell you what, leave him to me, okay? Don't look down on him. Don't insult him. I'll take care of all of that. Will you feel better then?"

"Maybe slightly," she admitted.

"Do you promise?"

"Fine, I promise."

"Fantastic," Adrian smiled. "Vincent, come here," Adrian pointed to the spot right next to him. Vincent did so. "On your knees." Vincent knelt down. Adrian grabbed a pitcher of ice cold water and poured it onto Vincent's head.

The Queen gasped. "Isn't that a bit-"

"A bit what?" Adrian continued to smile innocently. "Are you feeling bad for him now? Even though you think he is a swine? How silly of you." Adrian grabbed Vincent's hair and pulled his head upward. "He is a Phantom, you know?"

"A former Phantom," Rachel reminded. She too was shocked by Adrian's sudden change in attitude towards his guard.

Adrian grabbed a plate of food and pulled Vincent's head further back before slamming it down into his face. The gravy dripped down his face and onto his uniform. It got into his eyes.

"Adrian," the Queen's brow furrowed.

"Yes, Mother?"

"What on Earth are you doing?"

"Hm?" Adrian licked some of the stray food off of his fingers. "Whatever do you mean?"

"Do you intend to be just outright cruel?"

"Mother, aren't your words just as cruel?" The Queen was too stunned to respond. Vincent looked at the ground. He suppressed a smirk. Sooner or later people would begin to pity him instead of scorn him. It would just take a matter of time.

"Stand up," the prince demanded. Vincent did so. "Go to the window." Vincent did. "Open it." The breeze of cold air filled the room. Try as he might to avoid shivering, he couldn't hold back his teeth forever.

"Close the window!" the Queen spoke. "He'll get a terrible sickness! Do you hear me? Close it!"

"He only listens to me, Mother. It's a side effect of a certain situation. I'm sure you know the cause?" Adrian sipped his glass. Realization crossed her face.

"This doing?" unable to cope with the outcome, the Queen's face grew pale. Vincent shivered more in the cold wind.

"Jump out the window," Adrian ordered.

"W-what?!" the Queen watched as Vincent moved his leg onto the sill. He sat in the space, fully prepared to jump out, until the Queen rushed over and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him back. "Adrian! Tell him to stop!" She insisted as Vincent continued to try and release himself from her grasp.

"Why should I do that? He is a Phantom. Surely he can't die from this height," he took another sip from his glass and took a bite of the food on his plate. Cool as a cucumber.

"Your Highness, you'll get food on your gown," Rachel warned.

"I'm not letting him fall to his death!"

"Alright, alright, Vincent don't jump out the window." Adrian stood up. "Let's go get you cleaned up, hm?"


"I'm so sorry," Adrian sunk to the floor. "I tried my best but I don't think I can keep this up."

"You're doing great," Vincent stepped into the tub and sunk into it. Grell had been kind enough to fetch him water. He couldn't waste it.

"At least let me clean you up," Adrian insisted.

"Your Majesty, you really shouldn't," Vincent sighed.

"If you won't let him, can I? I would love to get my hands on those muscles of yours," Grell swooned. "Not too much of a show off but just enough to be visible."

"You almost died when I kissed your hand. Do you really think you'd manage to help bathe me?" Vincent laughed. Grell hadn't stepped foot into the room. He was avoiding Vincent for a reason.

"That was then and this is now," Grell huffed.

"Darling, you aren't even in the room how will you wash my hair?" Vincent smiled.

"Will someone please tell me what is going on?!" Rachel burst through the door and moved right on along until she saw Vincent in the bathtub. "That's a naked man," she pointed.

"Sorry to disappoint," Vincent waved.

"You are fully naked. Right there. And your wounds are still so bad," Rachel's eyes wandered.

"Eyes on the prize, wife-to-be," Adrian stood up to block her view. He crossed his arms.

"You realize, if he is to play a part in my children I'm going to be seeing this at some point?" Rachel sighed.

"Then it'll be a surprise," Adrian rolled his eyes.

"Wait, what?" Grell's mouth dropped. "What kind of backwards marriage is this? Don't either of you care what Vincent has to say?"

"No," the two shrugged.

"Darling," Vincent leaned back to make eye contact with Grell through Rachel and Adrian. "You're the one with my heart in all of this." He reached out his hand. "They're only here for my dashingly good looks," he snickered.

"That's so sad," Grell began to cry. "I'll love you Vincent. I will. But most of my heart still belongs to Sebastian. I'm so sorry."

"Personally I think that William fellow would be better for you," Vincent admitted.

"The General?" Grell's face flushed. "Impossible! He hates my guts! Besides he isn't...he wouldn't..." Grell's brain stopped functioning.

"It seems like you're worried a bit too much on outward appearances, darling," Vincent smiled. "Why don't you try talking to him?"

"Am I witnessing a matchmaker session?" Rachel whispered to Adrian.

"I think so," the prince replied.

"I couldn't. I shouldn't." Grell shook his head. "I'm totally going to. Bye-bye," he waved and ran off.

"Ah, young love," Vincent closed his eyes and sunk further into the tub.

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