There's a reason behind this, he says to me
You'll understand if you just listen, he promises
I can teach you everything you need to know if i'll you'll do is stay, he says and you can here the grip in his voice
This is all real, you remind yourself sitting down
Cold back against the concrete of the outside wall
This is where all great conversations take place
Away from people
Alone and vulnerable
We were the only ones who knew the truth
About what the world was really like
Or were we?
I talked about it all the time
Sometimes feeling I was preaching the gospel, sometimes feeling as if I was just trying to explain why I was the way I was
People always looked at me funny
But if they liked me they believed me
Never tell any adults though
That was the biggest rule
There are so few people in the world who understand us, who are like us
That there are so few people you can trust
But I can trust him
Can't I?
He was the first person to care about me
Even if other people do now
He loves me
Doesn't he?
He says he does
But how do I know?
How do I know?