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this story is (more or less) based off of the song '1949' by lana, so there are quite a few song references in this. warning: contains homophobia!!!

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The month is July. Elizabeth Grant and Marina Diamandis are on the open road, riding their Pontiac through the Western United States. A wide desert terrain surrounds them, with valleys and mountains for miles. They're driving fast without care, and the only thing they have is each other, along with a couple of suitcases and a stack of cash that they've collected over the past few months. 

"I feel so fucking free!" Elizabeth yells. She sticks her arm out of the passenger side window, feeling the sharp wind jet off of her skin.

"We are free!" Marina grins wildly, with one hand on the steering wheel, "We don't have anywhere to be, or anything to do. We're fucking free."

They pass through an old western-looking town, Marina exits the highway to stop and check it out. It's a small town but there appears to be shops, a few restaurants, and gas stations. Elizabeth glances over her shoulder and a particular store catches her eye. 

"Oh my god, there's a K-Mart. We have to go in!" Elizabeth exclaims. Marina grants her wish by pulling into the parking lot. 

They enter the K-Mart, and roam around the store for a while. Elizabeth picks out a peach lip gloss, along with a pack of cigarettes. Marina picks out a few lollipops, a Mad Magazine, and some white socks. 

"Should we pay for these?" Marina asks.

"No, just put it in your purse. We only have a limited amount of cash, so we should probably save it for things like food, motels, and gas," Elizabeth urges. They stealthily place the items inside Marina's bag and walk out of the store.

They get back in the car, and Marina pulls out the items they stole, admiring them in her hands.

"All in your car for our trip across the USA," Elizabeth laughs and lights one of the cigarettes as Marina starts towards the freeway again. They drive a great distance until night falls. It's now reaching 11pm, Elizabeth yawns while staring out the window. 

"We should find a motel to stay at," Marina suggests, catching Elizabeth's contagious yawn.

"I agree, I think we're both getting tired of driving."

They continue to drive until they reach the next town they can find. They exit the highway and find a janky little motel off the side of the road. Marina parks the car and they enter the office part of the motel to inquire about a room for the night. 

"We have a room available with two full-sized beds," the lady at the front desk claims. 

"What about a room with just one bed?" Marina questions through her accented voice. 

The lady looks up at the two women and raises an eyebrow. Elizabeth nods affirmlingly.

"We do have a room with one queen-sized bed," The lady hesitates. She's obviously annoyed.

Marina nudges Elizabeth and whispers in her ear, "I guess they don't fancy same sex couples in these small American towns." Elizabeth giggles back and grasps Marinas' hand in her own to solidify their relation. The ladys' eyes turn red with fury at their action. Both Marina and Elizabeth can tell that they crossed the line.

"Get out now. We don't serve people like you here," The lady snarls. 

"Why don't you just give us a key to the room and we'll be out of your face," Marina huffs, trying to reconcile. The lady doesn't budge.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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