Chapter 6 - Remember Our Deal

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The drug started to work right away. Hopper was a little dizzy and he felt like the room was spinning. Remember stay strong. Don't let this fucker win. That's what he wants. He wants you to become weak. He wants to harm your daughter and he hopes that you will help him. You have to stay strong. For El. For Joyce. For your family. Those thoughts were going through Hop's mind as he felt the drug going through this veins making him more and more unconscious. Brenner sewing that the drug is working started to question him again:

-Now,are you gonna work with us or do we have to use some other methods? -Brenner asked as he looked at drugged Hop. - I'll ask you one last time.Where is Eleven?

Hop although under influence didn't hesitate for a second.

-I don't know. - Hop was strong. He knew that no matter how bad he feels he has to stay unbreakable. - And even if I knew I would never tell you so don't even bother with all those drugs and torture shit cause it's not gonna work on me.- he continued.

-You're a tough one, aren't you? Ok. Let's try a different way.- Brenner said as he sat on the other side of the table.- Remember our talk 2 years ago? We had a deal, hadn't we? I let you and Joyce Byers to the Upside Down to find her son and in return you were supposed to tell me where El was.Remember that?- Brenner looked up at him.

Hop just looked at him without saying anything. He wanted to protect his daughter. He wanted to protect his family. El, Joyce and the boys were the only family he had. He needed to protect them even if it meant that he had to suffer.

After Sarah's death Hop felt empty. He started drinking, his wife left him and started a new family. He had no one. And than El came around and his life began to make sense again. He had someone who counted on him. He had a reason to wake up every morning. In a way, El saved him from the black hole that was slowly getting him. They both saved each other. El was his daughter. It didn't matter to him that they were not related by blood. What matter was the fact that they both needed each other and that she was his daughter who he had to protect even if it meant losing his own life. And Joyce.

Joyce was his everything. He loved her more than anyone else in the world. She was the light in his life, the reason he wanted to change. He wanted to be a better person for her. He wanted to be her rock that she could always rely on. Even when they argued and bickered he still loved her. And he knew that she loved him too. She had too. The moment she asked him on a date was the happiest moment of his life. He realized that this whole time Joyce had feelings for him and she wanted to stay in Hawkins for him. They were just both too scared to admit it. The last time they were in a relationship was back in high school and it didn't end up well because Hop went to serve in Vietnam and shortly after that Joyce got pregnant and married Lonnie. But now universe was giving them a second chance. That's why Hop had to stay strong. He knew that one day it will be over and he will be back home with the love of his life and their kids. Yes, El and the boys were their kids.

Brenner continued,

- El is not a normal girl. She will never be normal. As long as she's around none of you will ever be safe, not you, not the Byers and those kids.

-Safe? You talk about safety? You used her like some kind of a lab rat. - said pissed Hop.

-El has a gift. Now, we can use this gift for a greater good. Sometimes it's better to risk one life for a greater cause.- answered Brenner.

You could see in Brenner's face that he was a cold man who cared about nothing. His only goal in life was to experiment on those poor kids and use them to take over the world. It didn't matter if he worked for Americans or Soviets.
As long as he got any benefits from it he didn't care.

-Son of a bitch, you're a sick man, I swear. - Hopper was still feeling a little woozy after the drug, but he knew he has to keep his focus. He had to protect his daughter from this psycho.

-Tell me where she is? - Brenner said as he was losing his temper. - Remember that I will find her anyway, so save us both some time and tell me where she is?

-GO TO HELL - said Hopper as he looked at him directly in the eye.

Brenner realized that it's not going to be as easy as he thought. Hopper was tough. Very tough.

-Alright. I will give you some time to think it through. - Brenner said as he opened the door and told the two soldiers to take Hop back to his cell.

As the soldiers took Hop, Brenner added,

- Remember I will find her with or without your help. I will find the Byers and I will find El.

Hop was losing his mind. The thought of his daughter being in danger, that Brenner is looking for her was too much for him. He wanted El to be safe. He wanted Joyce to be safe too.It was obvious that El is most likely with Joyce now so if Brenner would ever find them he could cause harm to both of them. Hop couldn't let that happen. Brenner was unpredictable. God knows what he was capable of doing just to find El and continue his sick experiment? I have to be strong - Hop continued to think- I have to be strong for them. For my girls. For my family.

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