Chapter One - It All Begins With Two Italian Siblings

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There are certain risks people have to take in life. For instance, some parents may have to give up their money for a child they cannot bear to part from. Or people can quit from a job with good pay for the sake of their own mental stability. Whatever the case, Kieran Everest, a boy of many secrets, saw that there was never a good outcome in life for those who try to be positive. He believed that people needed a grip on reality. He was not pessimistic, he was more of a stubborn realist. Kieran knew that not everything was sunshine and rainbows, especially for such a minority as himself.

He grew up with no parents. Nobody to feed him. No one to wake him up for school. He learned the hard way that he couldn't depend on a parental figure to teach him. Of course, he was taken cared for by an orphanage before he ran away at the mere age of six. He didn't like people, at least not most people. There were a select few close friends Kieran saw as people who actually saw how cruel the world was, but his dark way of thinking didn't stop him from smiling and making small friendships. He lived at Camp Half-Blood, a safe place for demigods, children of a mortal and a god. He had been there for a little over 2 years now and was still a loyal and unfortunately undetermined camper.

It all happened the day he met the two Italian siblings Percy, Thalia, and Grover had rescued from Westover Hall, minus Annabeth, a daughter of Athena. Kieran did not know what happened with her, but the absence of the wise girl brought grief upon the camp's director, Chiron. The sister wasn't with them, probably getting settled in with the Hunters, but from what he heard from snippets of the conversation Mr. D, Chiron, Percy, and Thalia were having, Kieran, figured it would've been okay to assume that the sister had already pledged her allegiance to Lady Artemis. 

The younger brother of the sister was much happier. He had messy black hair and big mocha-colored eyes that swirled with joy. Kieran sat cross-legged on the floor, across from Mr. D (Dionysus), quietly studying over a book about Greek myths and lore. Most of the information was incorrect, but he read it anyway. He found it interesting how mortals could stupidly make such foolish mistakes about small "myths" and "legends".

Chiron, yes, the trainer of Hercules, Achilles, Jason, all the great heroes, spoke to the group quietly, and Kieran figured out the new camper's names; Bianca and Nico di Angelo.

Something nagged at the back of Kieran's mind as he heard their last names and he felt a painful sting behind his eyes. He blinked rapidly and rubbed his temples, momentarily setting down his book.

"Ah, Kieran. Would you mind taking Nico to the Hermes cabin? Get him settled in?" Chiron asked quietly, but his face looked a bit worried and strained as the man smiled at Kieran.

The boy nodded and gestured for Nico to follow him out of the Big House.

"Wow! This place is awesome!" The younger di Angelo fawned, pointing out all the odd cabins to Kieran, and correctly naming almost all of them.

Kieran just sighed and walked to the Hermes cabin, but a small smile tugged at Kieran's lips as he heard Nico's 'ooh's' and 'ahh's'.

"Nico, right?" The boy asked quietly, his hand hovering over the Hermes cabin door. Nico quickly nodded his head, looking at Kieran. "Okay, well this is Hermes cabin. Most of the undetermined kids get shoved on in this cabin, but also Hermes's children live here. Sorry if it's a bit packed by the way."

The di Angelo didn't wait a second before speaking right after Kieran. "So are you a child of Hermes, or are you undetermined?"

"Just an eleven-year-old who has no idea who his parents are, di Angelo, that's about the best way I could put it."

That shut Nico up as he and Kieran walked into the packed Hermes cabin. The talking didn't die down as it should, though a few kids did turn their heads before returning back to their conversations. The two boys walked to the back, where a decent-sized sleeping bag was laid out on the floor, next to a sealed shut box, and a water bottle. "You can sleep over here. I'll find an extra cot or sleeping bag you can use, but I just prefer the quietness over here. Plus, it's so much more privacy, and less of a chance of our things getting stolen."

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