Chapter 2 - The Dream That Might've Turned Me For The Worst.

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Ohh-kay, backtrack. Since when did I start having dreams?

All the other kids at the camp say they've had crazy dreams or met their parents, or seen the future through their dreams. Not me! I've never had dreams, at least not ones that I can vividly remember. Most of the time my mind is just blank or an empty black void. But today was...different, to say the least.

As soon as my head hit the janky sleeping bag, I instantly got swallowed with darkness. I first felt an icy cold breeze, and I was surrounded by a dark forest, a thousand whispers pounding my ears. I felt hyperaware of everything, the way the leaves rustled and how the faint sound of trickling water was nearby.

"Hello...?" I called out. My voice sounded multiplied, and it made an eerie echo. It made a shudder run down my spine. "Is anyone out there...?"

A ghostly figure appeared in front of me, a young woman, maybe in her early thirties. She had a faint, blue aura around her body. "Kieran..." The lady whispered, trying to reach out to touch me. I instinctively flinched back and reached for my sword, which wasn't at my side.

"Who are you..?" My voice was weak and shaky. My hands trembled as she took a step forward. The small action making the dark forest hush. "What do you want from me...?"

She opened her arms, a warm smile going across her ghostly white face, "Kieran, it is me. Your mother."

A trail of torches sprouted from the ground from where her arms opened, and a gasp escaped my lips as I fell onto my butt. "Lady Hecate!"

Hecate put a finger to my lips, her short hair barely falling from her shoulders. The feeling sent a zap of electricity down my spine once again, and my eyes found hers. They were the same color of Greek fire as mine, but hers were darker and despite her appearance, very, very ancient.

"Ancient? I don't think I'm that old, sir." Hecate raised an eyebrow, helping me stand up as a stared up at her, completely baffled.

I could only let out something really stupid like; "Uh duh."

Quickly shaking my head, I put my hands up like a surrender. "Wait, wait, wait! You're my mom? But where am I gonna go?" Hecate sighed like she knew what I spoke of, " There isn't a Hecate cabin at cam-"

"I know, Kieran. Which is why I want you to come with me." I quirked an eyebrow, "Come over to the side of Kronos with me and your siblings. Learn your true magic, and power. The Gods have yet to show any kindness toward us, minor gods. It is time you learn what I have wanted you to learn for so long."

My fists clenched. Who did she think she was? First off, she abandoned me, left me alone with no knowledge of who or my father was, and now she wants me to come to join her group of my evil half-siblings on Kronos's side of this war. The only thing I could utter out through clenched teeth was a force-out, "What?"

She cupped her hands, the smile vanishing from her face, "I understand you do not want to come with me, Kieran. You were trained and raised to think that Kronos was the enemy, but what have the Gods ever done for-"

"No, Mother, what have you ever done for me?" Riskily snapping at my mother, I took a dangerous step forward, my eyes felt like igniting and my palms felt the need to move.

A beautiful, but terrifyingly calm smile graced my mother's face as she stepped forward, placing a hand on my shoulder, making me tense up. "Kieran," She whispered, her ghostly form shimmering and flickering, "Who do you think helped you survive for all those years alone out in the streets? Who do you believe it was that brought you to Camp Half-Blood before all this war and animosity stirred upon the high grounds of Mount Olympus and the dangerous depths of Tartarus?"

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