Part 3 - familiar, like something i used to know

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You sighed as you downed a pain killer, gagging around the pill.

"do you know why this headache started dear?" the school doctor asked, raising her brow, you shook your head, not really knowing how to explain the odd dreams that induced the headache.

She nodded, scribbling on her board, handing a note to jay. "All right then, for the next three days, I want you to get as much rest as you can, you are excused from all your classes, and clubs, so that means no R.O.A.R training, got it?"

You sighed, but nodded, sliding off the bed and sighing thanks to her. "you're wel-"

The door slammed open, revealing gil, looking worried, holding a passed-out Harry. Your body reacted before you could realize the situation, stepping forward and gesturing for gil to lay harry down, placing your hand on his forehead, noticing it was very warm.

"gil?! Dude what happened" jay exclaimed, letting the doctor pass by him and start to examine harry.

"I don't know, as soon as you took (y/n) out, harry all of a sudden got a really bad headache, and he passed out in my arms"

"oh dear" the doctor muttered, noticing sweat slowly build on Harry's forehead. "he has a fever" she stood, raising her brow lightly at you hovering protectively over the young pirate.

The trained doctor (who doubled as a therapist) could see the bond between the two teens, seemed as if the two had never really interacted before, from the looks of Jay and Gil.

The doctor sighed, asking for jay to take (y/n) and Gil outside, so she could properly take a look at harry. The Arabian teen nodded, walking over to the selective mute girl's side, flinching when she got into a protective stance.

"now ms. (y/n)" the doctor warned, her tone stern "I need to properly check him" the girl glared for a second, it seemed as if she was a different person, a fierce protectiveness in her eyes. Her fingers twitching for her (dominant) shoulder

Then all of a sudden it disappeared, her stance loosening, and she shook her head slightly, nodding.

Sorry don't know what got over me the girl signed, letting jay lead her out of the room, Gil following close behind.

The doctor watched as (y/n)s eyes drifted to harry once more, confusion within the (e/c) orbs.

As the door closed behind her, Jane hummed, smiling.

"it seems that the knight is remembering her prince"


"Hero of Ì̷̢̘̩̝̬̙̮̃n̷̤͇̽̂̎̀̓̈́͛ͅͅa̶͂͌͜ư̷̧̡͇͈̭̲̜̿͛͒̌̓̋̚d̴̪̓̈̃̈́̎͆̒͋͝i̷̫͖͇̤̦̬̍̓͑̒̋̈́̀̓b̸͖̝̦̯̐̊͛̍l̶̢̯̮̯̤͙̩͆̏̾͋̈́͜e̶̮̮̼̝̋͛̄̊͝ ̵̰̣͕̙͙̣͆̓͠͝ͅ ̸̡̮̈͒̈͆̐̅, chosen by the sword that seals the darkness..." he was looking down at the (h/c) girl, who was kneeling before him, her head down.

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