part 8 - the road of memories

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Ben called for a gathering in the front yard of the dorm castle. Uma, Harry, Gil, and (y/n) arrived to see Mal, Jay, Carlos, Evie, and Dude had already arrived.

"so wha's all this" you turned to see Harriet and CJ walking up, CJ looking curious while Harriet looked bored.

"well," Ben clapped his hands together, smiling at all of you. "every year the seniors take a trip to a selected kingdom for two weeks to explore it, and this year-"

"hold up" Uma interrupted "CJ ain't a senior" Ben shrugged "she would have stowed away in the car anyway, might as well avoid that" CJ grinned at that, puffing her chest.

continuing Ben said; "so we leave tomorrow at the crack of dawn" Mal's jaw dropped, she hated waking up early.

"Why so early" she whined, pouting at ben, 'honestly, same' you thought, dreading getting up that early. even though you did so regularly now.

"where are we even going?" Uma yelled out, Ben smiled.


you felt Harry stiffen next to you, Uma asking if he was okay. had heard that name before.

and protect our land of Saorsa, from the dark one

a faint voice echoed in the back of your head, a man, the one you had been hearing for weeks now. ...king...king....the voice faded away, leaving you with another bout of deja vu. sighing you shrugged it off, focusing back on Ben, who was detailing the trip. but it was hard to pay attention, the only thing going through your mind was how familiar that kingdoms name was.


That name haunted you, making your insomnia rear its ugly head. Looking back at your clock, which read 3:04 am. Sighing you got up, careful not to wake up Jane.

Maybe a walk will help clear your head.

Walking around the gardens you spotted a figure sitting on a bench staring down at the pond. Walking closer, their head snapped up, whipping around to you. it was Harry, his ocean blue eyes staring right into yours.

"Couldn't sleep?" he asked, voice raspy with tiredness.

You nodded and carefully took a seat next to him. "meh too" he looked back at the pond, staring at his reflection in the water. "odd question but....did the name of that kingdom...Saorsa...seem" he hesitated, slightly curling in on himself, you leaned forward, staring at the side of his face. "familiar ta yeh?"

You nodded, looking up at the clear sky.

"So it ain't jus' me?" Harry muttered, smiling slightly at the water.

You lifted an eyebrow at him. 'What about the name felt familiar to him?' you lifted your hands up, Harry glancing over as you did so.

why was it familiar to you? you signed, Harry shrugged.

Remember your past life, Prince!Harry Hook x Chosen Knight!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now