day 8 😽❗️

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|On the way too CVS|Jamal POV💰|
Makayla wouldn't shut up the whole car ride and she was still going.

"Jamal we only 19 what do you be thinking" she ranted.

"I Just-" i attempted to say.

"No you not finna talk nigga" she said.

"Alright let me ask you one thing though" i said while turning the wheel.

"what?" she said while breaking her neck.

"i was for real the first one too hit" i said while smirking.

"Shut up its not the time" she while smacking my head.

"Im a let that slide cus you carrying my child" i said jokingly. She mugged me hard, Shit if if looks killed i'd be dead. We finally pulled up and I gave her my jacket before we got outside.
~x2d Hours Later~Mk POV😽|
We were back at my house and Jamal was still being so calm about the whole situation. The fact that i really could be a teen mom makes my skin crawl. I have such a nice body y'all.

"What's on yo mind ma?" he asked.

I just rolled my eyes, but I had got a text from Malik.
Malik: you up beautiful 💕?
Kayla: yes indeed , wyd☺️
Malik: finna pull up and i gotta surprise for you.❤️
Kayla: i'm not home rn
Malik: damn wya at 12:56 am???
kayla: at the hospital, my bestfriend aunt got hit by a car.
"Who you texting?" Jamal said while scooting closer.

"None of your business" i added.

"Stop playing with me kay" he said.

"Jamal you is not my nigga" i said while laughing.

"um so you don't feel nothing between us" he asked.

"I never said that" i said.

"We just fucked but you sitting next to me texting dat rich nigga" he added.

"First off jus cause we had sex don't mean i'm yo girlfriend." i said.

"Makayla you actin like this for some pussy ass nigga" he said while getting up.

"I ain't actin like shit tuh" i snapped.

"Fuck this" he said while slamming the door.

"The fuck" i said.
Malik POV (Next day) 8:37am 👀

I was on my way too my parents house but before I went over there I wanted too stop at Makayla crib. I pulled up, walked too her door, and knocked. She opened it and greeted me with a hug. I had flower and chocolate for her cause her best friend aunt was finna die or sum.

"These for me?" she said while poking out her lip.

"Yea but i've never seen someone look so beautiful in the morning" i said while sitting down.

"You fine, sweet, and single so what's the catch?" she said while sitting next to me.

"I recently just started dating again but when I saw you at the dealership I automatically knew that's what i wanted" i said. She started too blush amd smile.

"So why'd you pick too work at a dealership?" she asked.

"Well my dad owns a little bit of it so i've been working there since the 11th grade and Secondly they pay good" i said. She kept staring down at her phone and I could tell she wasn't listening to me. I cleared my throat to get her attention.

"I'm sorry" she said while putting her foot on top of mine.

"It's cool" i said while rubbing her thigh. She started too get goosebumps bumps and I went in for a kiss but she pulled back.

"I didn't-" i said before she cut me off.

"I'm not ready for that yet i'm sorry" she said.

"I understand it s fine." i said.

short chapter 🥴 .

team Malik ?

team Jamal ?

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love everyone .

oh yea someone gon die soon they a lil too happy.

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