Purification: 22

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Jin yawned and stretched out like a cat. He spotted Yusaku sleeping in the pew diagonal from him. He left his spot and started to shake him, forcing him awake.

"Listen, sparkles, lets head out now and leave a note saying we went into town." said Jin, having the quill write everything itself. "Oh, p.s: don't come looking for us. Let us enjoy our bro date."

The note floated over to Ryoken's sleeping body and gently landed on him as Jin dragged Yusaku out. They started to climb higher, Yusaku now leading as Jin didn't know the radius of Ryoken's senses.

"Here is good. Any point behind that rock, he'll sense us." Yusaku explained. "So, be careful."

"Aw, you're showing concern. I love it." said Jin with a smirk. "Seems like Ryoken has quite the senses. Now I see why so many of our kind have been eradicated by him."

"Yeah. Now, what do we do?" asked Yusaku, hoping to move away from the topic.

"I'm going to need full cooperation. If I can't get that, we won't be going anywhere." said Jin with crossed arms. Yusaku reluctantly agreed. "All right, take off your shirt."

Jin quietly felt Yusaku's chest, searching for abnormalities. Everything seemed strangely normal. He felt Yusaku's arms, finding everything perfectly fine. Was it down below? Yusaku noticed his gaze had traveled to his lower body.

"Don't even think about it." hissed Yusaku.

Jin knelt and started to squeeze at his thighs and calves. Clean. He tapped his chin then did an incantation, giving his eyes a golden glow. He could now see inside Yusaku's body. His eyes looked around then traveled downward.

"Oh? That's something." said Jin, feeling around Yusaku's gut. "Did you have an organ removed when you were young?"

"What?" Yusaku said in disbelief.

"You're missing your sixth heart. And now that I'm really looking... because of it being missing, there's a spot in your body that looks a bit swollen. Has it never bothered you?" asked Jin, a tad concerned for the guy. "How could doctors miss something like this?"

"They said my body was too frail... I was lied to..." said Yusaku in disbelief.

"Oh? What did they tell you?" asked Jin, keeping an eye on the swollen area.

"That my body was weak thus making me frail and unable to use regular magic." said Yusaku, looking down at Jin.

"Well, they're covering something up. They illegally went into a child's body and took a heart. Strange, there's no scar. Must've used some foreign liquid." said Jin, finally meeting Yusaku's eyes. "Well, I can't say for sure, but I bet that swollen area has your stocked up magic. We just need to get your heart back."

"Easier said than done. It might not even be in the country anymore." said Yusaku in defeat.

"Doubt it. The plan is simple, find out where they keep demon hearts and steal it back. I'm not sure what kind of spell they used, but I'll do research so I can put it back in you." Jin said, seeing he needed to revisit the archives underneath the Lord's castle.


Yusaku couldn't help but notice demons staring at the both of them, some whispering amongst themselves.

"I don't usually allow people to walk within a ten mile radius of me, so you're quite a big deal." said Jin, leading him to the underworld opening. "Stay close. Poes aren't forgiving creatures."

"I know, I've been down here countless times." said Yusaku in annoyance.

"Also, be discreet as possible if you want to get into the archives. Security is tight 24/7." said Jin, not realizing security was lighter these past few days.

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