xv. fizzle rocks.

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     IN LA Bonne Nuit, Veronica sat across Enoch and Reggie, the two had met that morning but Enoch didn't go because he had some stuff to do before school. "Drugs, gargoyles, mystery men in hazmat suits and secret school board meetings? How does it all tie together?" Veronica said.

Reggie asked Enoch to find information about this new drug with him and they did, Enoch asked Sweet Pea and Fangs, his ex-boyfriend who still seemed to be still not over their break up and just sat there, glaring at him as Fangs answered all of his questions with a polite tone and even said he missed having him around before he left.

"Not sure. But we got some suss for you." Reggie said and Enoch sighed. "I had to go to Sweet Pea... pretty sure they were on it when I went there because Fangs hugged me. Like really tightly and Sweet Pea refused to even talk to me, just kept glaring." He shrugged and Veronica frowns, leaning over. "According to my sources, the Fizzle Rocks distributors, aka the Gargoyles, are giving their product out to people for free." Reggie said to Veronica and Enoch sighed.

"I've seen enough episodes of Narcos to know this scheme. Hook them with the first taste, then they're costumers for life." She said and Enoch sighed, glancing down. "And Daddy's always playing the long game." She added on.

"For sure." Enoch sighed and leaned over, glancing at Reggie. "And here's the kicker. Fizzle Rocks are coming from the Southside, right out of the prison your dad's been building." He said and Enoch furrowed his brows. "That must be where he moved his candy factory to after Cheryl, Toni and I busted his lab at the Whyte Wyrm." She said and Enoch looked at her right away.

"Hmm..." Reggie hums as he looked at Enoch. "Speaking of Cheryl..." She said and picked up her phone, unlocking her phone. "Cheryl." She said as Enoch felt something tap his knee. He glanced at Reggie who just smiled. "What time is the school board meeting?" She asked as Enoch glanced down and saw Reggie had tapped his knee with his finger. His face turned red and he smiled back.

"And where?"

At Pop's diner, Veronica poured Enoch a cup of coffee. "Hey, how's B anyways?" He asked and Veronica looked at him right away. "What? Isn't she your twin?" She chuckled and went to put the coffee pot away before coming back to him. "V, I thought you knew I kind of... left home." He said and she nodded. "Like I did?" She says.

"Yeah... sort of." He shrugged and looked down. "Didn't feel safe there..." He says and she smiled. "So, where are you staying?" She asked and he sighs. "Um... Reggie's." He glanced up.

She smiled more widely, "but wait, I haven't heard from B in a while." She furrowed her brows and Enoch got worried at that. Her phone rang so she walked away, picking it up. "Hello?"

"Girl, where are you? E and I were just talking about you." She said as she turned to face Enoch, smiling widely. "What? We thought you were at the farm." She said and Enoch furrows his brows. He did know his mom left to the farm, Heidi and Moira told him that but he figured she would be too stubborn to go there.

Down in the speakeasy, Veronica filled Enoch in about Betty who just sighed and rubbed his face. "I shouldn't have left her, especially alone!" He put his hands down and she frowns. "Your text said you had news?" They both look over.

"Betty called. She's at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy." Veronica said and Enoch stood up. "What?" Cheryl said and looked at Enoch. "That place is the hellmouth of Riverdale. We have to break her out." She quickly said and Enoch sighs.

"Betty says she's working on that. You, E and I have another mission." She said and Cheryl sighed, crossing her arms. "According to B, my father's testing Fizzle Rocks on patients at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy. Moreover, she saw your Uncle Claudius with him, using Blossom Maple trucks to deliver the drugs." Veronica informs her.

"Shades of the Legion of Doom."

"They're planning something big, Cher." Enoch said and she looked from him to Veronica. "My father likened it to the apocalypse. For all we know, my father may somehow be responsible for the seizures. But he wouldn't be any more specific than that. So, I was thinking maybe we could ask your mom, since she's in cahoots with him." Veronica said and Cheryl stepped closer to them.

"With pleasure, V and E... My vixens have fallen. My Tee-Tee has fallen. If my gorgon-like mother has anyknowlegde of how or why that's happening, we'll get it out of her." She said and Enoch laughed out loud suddenly. "Sorry... Tee-Tee..."

Cheryl only rolled her eyes.

Cheryl's mother, Penelope recieved another bucket of Maple syrup over her face. "Let's do this again. What does my father have planned for Riverdale?" Veronica asked with crossed arms and Enoch entered with another bucket full of maple syrup, setting it down. "Speak, or it gets the syrup again." Cheryl said, holding another bucket.

"Fine... you wanna know your father's plans? He's finally gonna turn this backwater into something worthwhile. A place where we can all pursue our various enterprises... Unmolested." She said, looking up at the two teen girls who now had Enoch standing right behind both of them.

"What does that mean?"

"She's talking about drug dealing and prostitution. Aren't you? You ghoul-lunatic." Cheryl said and Penelope looked behind her, directly at Enoch as she slowly stuck her tongue out and licked along her bottom lip. He furrowed his brows, this made him feel uncomfortable. Cheryl stepped over, about to throw more syrup into her mother's face when Veronica quickly stops her.

"We need specifics."

Penelope looked up at Veronica. "How is exactly is my father planning on turning Riverdale into Vice City?" She asked the woman. "Well, he's in bed with the mayor, isn't he? And as for law enforcement, well, the last time I checked, Riverdale didn't have much of a sheriff." She said and smiled. Veronica grabbed the bucket from Cheryl right away as Penelope chuckled but stops.

"Details, or so help me God, I will drown you in this cheap crap." She said and Enoch snickered. "And open the garden doors to let the ants in." Cheryl said and Penelope glanced between the two. "Alright, I'll tell you." She gave in.

authors note ok but now i want more of reggie and enoch together ✋🥴

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