xx. here for you.

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WHEN ENOCH found out about Claudius, he didn't go to Thistlehorn for Claudius, no, he never even met the man formally, he went so he can show Cheryl his emotional support, he was sitting next to her with Toni on the other side of her. He even made sure to wear his black dress pants, a black button up shirt and a red tie to fit in with the style of the Blossoms. He wasn't a full Blossom, sure but with the way Cheryl treated him, he felt like the Blossoms were all he had for family.

He glanced down then back up as Penelope spoke, "we are gathered today to mourn the passing of one of our own. Betty." She said, looking at the entryway of the room. Enoch and Cheryl both turn to look at the blonde girl. Enoch's brows furrow in confusion. "Sweet, darling Betty. You've come to pay your respects." She said, smiling.

Betty quickly spoke, "well, Uncle Claudius was family, so..." She looked directly at Enoch who turned away instantly. "Mourn with us, cousin." She said and Enoch sighed as Cheryl now gestured to the seat behind Enoch. The girl quickly went and sat down as Penelope continued, "tragically, this ungrateful town never welcomed Claudius to its bosom. And that is why I believe he committed the most cardinal of sins... taking his own life." The woman sniffled softly.

"Crocodile tears." He heard Nana Blossom and he looked at Penelope before looking away, pursing his lips together. Once it was over, Enoch approached Betty. "What the fuck, B?" He said and Cheryl walked over as well, "while I appreciate the company, tell me, what are you really doing here, Betty?" The ginger asked.

"Yeah... and don't give us that crap that our uncle is family, yes, but you've never even bothered to accept it." Enoch said and Betty sighed, looking at Cheryl. "I came to talk to you..." She told her. "Cheryl, people connected to your mother keep dying by poisoning, or by strange suicides, including your father." Betty said and Enoch rolls his eyes, scoffing to himself softly.

"My father... hung himself in a barn, Betty. He slipped a rope around his neck and kicked a maple barrel out from under him. End of story." Cheryl said and Enoch crossed his arms. "Is everything okay?" Toni asked as she walked into the room slowly. "Betty was being a gnat, as usual, Tee-Tee. And I'm afraid I don't have any patience for it." The Blossom girl simply said.

"Back off, Betty." Toni said as she slowly stopped beside her girlfriend. "It's been a rough day and you're making it worse... You don't even care about Cheryl." Enoch said with a glare.

After Betty left, Enoch sighed and turned to Cheryl, "sorry... about her." He said and Cheryl merely smiled, fixing her hair. "I'm okay." She said and he immediately saw through that, she always seemed to pretend that she was okay; tough as nails. He just put his arms around her. She hugged back and Toni just smiled at them, looking away.

The next few days, Enoch mostly spent at home then one evening, his mom appeared at his doorway. "Mom, if you're coming up here with more of that farm crap, I don't—" "no. Uh, Sweet Pea is here for you." She said and the boy entered the room, brushing past the woman.

"Oh... um, hi." He said as he quickly moved to sit at the edge of his bed. "Hi..." Sweet Pea said and Alice cleared her throat. "Well, I'm heading out, FP called, said he had some news to deliever for me." Shs said and Enoch nods. "Later mom." He waved his hand slightly as she then walked away.

"What's up, SP?" Enoch said and the Serpent simply glanced around the room, many memories came to mind. When he first kissed Enoch, when they would spend nights holding one another, when they first gave themselves to one another, when he showed up wasted and kind of needy, that resulted in them... doing something dumb.

Sweet Pea simply cleared his throat and crossed his arms. "Veronica tells me you were thinking of quitting La Bonne Nuit... does that mean I don't have to protect you?" He asked and the way he sounded seemed disappointed in Enoch's point of view. "I'm not sure yet..." Was all the blonde boy said as he glanced away.

"Was that all?" He asked and Sweet Pea sighed, walking over. He sits next to Enoch, "I'm sorry..." He said and Enoch furrowed his brows. "For what?" He looked to the taller boy who bit his bottom lip. "When I came here, like... drunk." He sighed and Enoch slowly nodded his head.

"Right..." He says and then looked down. He looked back up to see Sweet Pea staring at him. "I just miss you. Like a lot." He said and Enoch just stared back at him. "I miss you too..." He said and then his phone buzzed, he reached for it, sighing as he looked away. It was at a text from Reggie, something about burning drugs and Hiram's lab down, he replied to it saying he couldn't because his mom wanted him to stay home then he looked at Sweet Pea to see he was holding a picture frame.

It was the one that rested on his bedside table, it was always down now, facing down but it was the first time it's ever been touched. It was a photo of him and Sweet Pea together. "I love this photo..." Sweet Pea smiled and Enoch smiles too.

"Me too..." He said and Sweet Pea set it back down, facing upwards this time before he turned to look at Enoch who stared at him. "God... what happened to us? We use to... not care and be happy. Don't you remember those times?" Sweet Pea asked him and Enoch nodded right away.

"Especially summer." He smiled and his cheeks flushed red as he thought of the times they'd get into the back of his car, when the windows would get all steamy and Sweet Pea would make a joke about Enoch making a handprint like in Titanic. Enoch would tell him to shut up.

"E?" Sweet Pea says and Enoch looked at him. Sweet Pea leaned in and Enoch stayed frozen, was he really gonna make the same mistake again? Lips press to his and he closed his eyes. Sweet Pea raised his hand to the side of Enoch's face, leaning closer and closer. Enoch scooted closer to him, deepening their kiss as Sweet Pea's other hand went to his lower back. Enoch pulled back, pressing their foreheads together, he was panting.

He reached for the buttons of the boy's flannel, being pulled onto his lap. This time, neither spoke again, just let it happen as clothes came off and Sweet Pea pulled Enoch tighter against him, pushing him onto his lap. Enoch hummed into the kiss, muffling his moan but then he quickly got off when he remembered Reggie.

"Fuck," he said and pulled on his shirt, he crossed his arms and sat on his desk chair. "What's wrong? What'd I do?" Sweet Pea asked as he pulled his tank top back on, along with his flannel. "Nothing... Um, I just think you should go..." Enoch said and looked down at the floor. "Oh..." Sweet Pea said and sighed, wiping at his mouth.

He pulled his pants up and got up, heading for the door. He stopped there and turned around. "For real this time? I go... and I never bother you again?" He said and Enoch glanced up. "Yeah... I'm sorry. I can't do that to Reggie." He looks down and Sweet Pea sighed. "Okay..." He said.










authors note lmao ight i'mma cry now

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