The Abuse A Soul Endures

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I find it difficult to be good in this world,

Souls like mine do not come around often.

To be alone is better than to be trapped a lifetime with you.

Your cold lips marking my body as if I am a painting to be beheld,

Your eyes surveying me with conviction and malice.

What did I do to deserve this from you?

What did I do to you in order for you to see me as an object that you can abuse?

The love I gave you was not enough,

I see that now.

You wanted what I could not give you,

You coaxed me out of my walls for it,

You stripped me for it,

You beat me for it.

What you seek is not yours,

Nor was it mine.

And as tears filled my eyes,

You did not listen,

You did not flinch,

You did not let up.


You kept proving to me that monsters do exist,

And that you are the Grand Master of them all.

November 19, 2019

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