Once I realised that something or someone had ressurected me, I jumped up, all my body functions working just fine somehow, I hit my head against the steel above my head; I had already been moved to the morgue. I then somehow managed to break out of this claustrofobic storage that I was locked in. At the time I didn't understand how I did it, there was no handle on the inside but I felt this unnatural feeling in my hand, so I put it against the door and it opened. I now realise that the reason I was capable of doing that was because I carry all supernatural powers in existence.
I grabbed the first cloth I saw once I got out, I mean I was naked and the morgue isn't a warm place, it's cold like death. I was able to dress up like a nurse, then I spend about two hours looking for some normal clothes, I expected to find those sooner though. I left the hospital, but when I walked out I realised I had nowhere to go. Where was I supposed to go? It's not like a fifteen year old who just rose from death can knock on her parents' door and have them not freak out.
I don't know what it was but something led me out of the city and into the woods, I suppose it was my new found insinct. I spent the first few days sitting against a tree trying to realise what had just happened to me. It wasn't until the full moon that I realised what was going on...
I just sat there when all of the sudden I felt this odd extremely powerfull force flowing through my veins. And no, I wasn't transforming into a werewolf, that would be such a cliché. Instead a rainbow coloured beam started to come out of my hands, this kept on going until the moon vanished and the sun started to rise.
At first I didn't even see it but when I sat down again, I saw it. It was a miniscule bottle with some sort of potion inside, and I figured since it was made by me it would be safe to drink. And that's exactly what I did, I drank it. That is when everything started kicking in. It's like a film was playing on my pupils, I could see it all. A proper description of every supernatural being that had ever been spoken of, and even ones that had been unknown until that moment. Eventually I found out my purpose, all supernatural creatures had died, it was my task to protect and recreate them.
In the beginning this didn't go without flaws, I created things like 'weremaids' and 'vampiches'. Whoever wanted me to create all these being can't blame me for that though, it's not like there's a manual on how to create supernatural creatures.
After a few months I got the hang of it and I started to create perfect werewolves and phoenixes. That is what I have been doing for the past twentytwo years, at least that's how long I think it has been; it's kind of difficult to keep track of time when you are forced to spend eternity as a fifteen year old.
Mother inhuman
FantezieThe entire book including the title, prologue, chapters, characters, and so forth are copyright protected. All rights are reserved by the author and any person unauthorised to copy, duplicate, edit, steal, or manipulate anything stated above will be...