Chapter 1

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"Everyone sure did a pretty good job this week, eh?" I look through some of the paperworks that the manager of my company passed to me.

"Y-yes sir, we are striving to be one of the better companies there is in this city. Not only for the benefit of us but also for our clients." He said to me.

"As always, good work. I hope you and the rest continue to do your best in your work." I turned my back using the rolling chair I'm sitting on.

"I'm very grateful of your compliment sir, now if you'll excuse me, I must go and continue my work as your company's manager." He said before exiting my office.

I only looked through the glass wall in front of me, currently I'm in the second highest floor of the building I'm in, sitting down in my office. It's only been two years since I started taking over this company that I inherited from my family. I'm only twenty three years old, yet here I am, professionally handling a company on my own. Sure, it's kinda tiring but it can be a piece of cake to me sometimes.

That's what happens when you have intellect in you.

Since I'm only currently resting here in my office, I decided to take my rest back home. Heading outside of the office, I head and enter inside the elevator and made my way to the bottom floor. Getting out of the elevator, I contacted my driver to pick me up and about a moment later the car arrived.

I enter inside and sat down on the back seat, the car started moving and now I have to wait to arrive at my home. Grabbing my phone, I opened and scanned all the bulleted notes that I had made to remind myself what to do in the near future.

After scanning all of them, I turn off my phone and put it back in my pocket. These days sure are pretty hectic for me. I'm glad I chose to take a few days off before going back to work again.

Once I arrive at my home, I stepped out of the car and headed inside my house. My house isn't so big, yet not so small, just a normal modern house for someone like me. The first thing I did was flop down on the comfy couch that I had bought last month. It's so soft that I have no problem sleeping on it. I took a deep sigh, relieved that I'm finally gonna rest after a long time of working.

Closing my eyes, I later fell into a deep sleep. I didn't dreamed about anything but I'm fine with that.


I suddenly woke up and opened my eyes to the sound of a doorbell ringing around my house. Checking the time, I found out that it was only ten in the evening, who could be up at this hour ringing someone's doorbell? I hope this isn't like one of those pranks that some kids pull up on me every now and then.

Standing up from my couch, my feet dragged me to the front door and I unlocked it. Doing so, I later opened it and looked outside.

Nothing, not a single person was there. I only sigh, and was about to close the door until I noticed something on the floor. Looking down, all the colors of my face faded away when I saw three small girls stacking each other while asleep and a toddler sleeping in a basket.

Why are these kids sleeping on my doorstep...?

I looked around for a moment and saw no one was there. My eyes were wide and white from shock.

"Just great... you have got to be kidding me..." I mumbled under my breath.

Not wanting to let these girls get a cold out here, I took them in. I each place them on the couch and carried the toddler in my arms.

What do I do with them? I can't just take care of them because I'm often busy with work and I can't ask my friends to look after them. They've done far enough for me years ago, and I don't want to hire a babysitter, I've had some horrible experiences while I was babysat.

I then noticed something on each of ther clothes, I each looked at it closely and saw they are name tags.

The blonde one is Yang.

The white haired one is Weiss.

The black haired one is Blake.

And the toddler is Ruby.

At least they had names. I wonder who are those horrible people leaving these children on my doorstep and passing me down the responsibility.

Maybe I should put them in the orphanage? No, there isn't any orphanage in this city. I need to go a few kilometers away from here to get to the nearest orphanage.

I can hear them make sounds in their sleep until they wake up. The first one to wake up was Blake, I later noticed she's a faunus with those cat ears of her.

She rubbed her eyes and yawned, looking around her for a moment before laying her eyes on me. We had a stare down for a moment, my eyes looked fierce due to me waking up a while ago.

What I didn't know is that she got scared of my eyes and started crying, causing the other two to wake up.

"H-hey! Calm down, stop crying! I'm not a bad guy!" I begged at her.

She only continued crying, I have no experience at child care so how am I supposed to calm her down?!

Weiss then decided to shake Blake for a bit.

"Blakey, calm down! Monsters don't exist!" She said to her.

Later, Blake finally stopped crying and look at Weiss. She then pointed her finger at me.

"Big guy is scary..." She said while teary eyed.

The other two then gaze at me for a moment. The three of them then looked at me and the toddler I'm holding for a minute. A second later....

"Thief!!" They yelled.

"How am I a thief of my own house?!" I said.

The toddler suddenly started crying from the shouting, I began to panic again.

"Calm down! Calm down!"

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