Chapter 21

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"Another fine and successful day it is today, isn't it?" I comfortably sat on my office chair as I lean back on it.

My right hand is currently holding a cup of coffee while my left is resting on the arm rest, not only that, my legs were crossed. I feel like I'm on top of the world when I sit like this and holding a drink. I've seen these types of sitting positions in some shows.

"Erm, sir..?" I hear a voice behind me.

I turn my chair around and see the president of my company, I take one quick sip from my coffee before speaking to him.

"I didn't know you're still here, is there something you need from me?" I asked.

"Not really, sir. But, I'm concerned for you.." He stated in a more quiet tone.

"Oh? And why is that?" I took another sip.

"Well... your office has never been in a mess before, like ever." He said.

"I think you're being delusional, my office is not in a mess and always has been." And another.

"All of the papers are scattered around the floor..."He looks at the said papers.

"I used them as decorations to see if they'll make my office look even better." And another.

Nixium: ... What--

"Your pen is stabbed on your table. You did that, sir." He points at the pen standing on my desk.

"You're mistaken, that's a pencil holder feature added to my desk." And another.

Nixium: ... Excuse me?

"Why is the vase broken??"

"Oh that? The wind must've knocked it down, we'll replace it with a new one." And another.

"But the office is a closed area... The glass is a wall." He said.

Nixium: That's....

"Sir, one of the edge of the cup you're holding right now is broken. And is that a glass shard floating on your coffee?!" I can hear the panic in his voice.

"This isn't a shard, it's simply a sugar cube I've put in. It just hasn't melted yet." And another sip.

Nixium: BRUH--

"What really happened here, sir?" He questioned.

I took one last sip from my coffee and placed it down on my desk. Clearing my throat and positioning myself on my seat, I took a deep inhale.

"I can't believe that woman would do and tell such things to me after barging in my office! We don't even know each other!" I yelled.

"... Pardon?" He looks questionably at me.

"So here's what happened.."


About half an hour before the present event happened. Y/N was peacefully sitting on his office chair, minding his own work. The whole place was so quiet indeed, perfect for anyone who wants peace and quiet. There's nothing better than that.


The door burst open, startling him from his work. By the door which was opened just now, stood an unfamiliar woman wearing a furious expression on her face. He was confused, since he didn't know who that woman is and how did she arrived in his office without an appointment.

"You!" The woman yelled, pointing at him.

"Me?" He gestures at himself.

"Of course you! Who else would it be?!" She said, slamming the door closed behind her and walking closer to his desk.

"Look, I don't know who you are and why you're here but please leave my office. I'm currently doing my work here." He said calmly.

"You may not know me but I know you! You're the horrific man who kidnapped my daughter from me!" She yelled.

Hearing this made him stop what he was doing, he recalled that sentence in his head and then immediately stares straight at her eyes. He then stood up from his chair to retort.

"I'm a person who isn't mental enough to kidnap a child!"

"Any person who looks fancy like you are all psychopaths!" She said.

"Well a person like you don't deserve to be a parent at all after abandoning their child!" He slams his hands on his desk.

"I didn't abandoned my child, you kidnapped and took her away from me!" The woman proceeds to grab one of his pens and stabs his desk, creating a hole on it as it sticks up.

"Do I really have to repeat myself? I would never kidnap a child that isn't mine!" He swats the piles of papers out of his desk, falling and scattered all over the floor. 

"You are a lying monster that deserve to be in jail and served with cold food!" She grabs another pen and throws it a the vase which was placed on a glass table, knocking it down and breaking it.

"While you're a heartless woman who don't deserve to be a mother at all!" He throws almost all of his stuff that was on the desk away, one of them even managed to hit and break a part of his mug.

"I will sue you and retrieve my daughter from your dirty hands! I'll do anything to get my baby back!" She yelled one last time before turning around and walk out of the office. Slamming the door closed behind her.

Y/N remain standing, audibly breathing after all the yelling. About a moment after, he came to a realization that the woman was one of his daughter's mother.

Nixium: I had to sacrifice my brain cells too to make this chapter dumber than the rest...

 "Okay, calm down Y/N. That was surely not one of the girl's mother and is only trying to mess with me.." He sits back down on his office chair and tries to relax. 

"Wait... She did say she will sue me and will get one of the girls back.. I don't think she's joking on that one..." He panicked.


"Wow..." The president said.

"She can't legally sue me when the girls are legally my own daughters. Now the real question is, why did she think I kidnapped one of them?" I leaned back on my seat.

"Oh I don't know, sir. That's for you to find out in another chapter." He said with sarcasm in his voice.

"I'll just worry about that at a later time. Anyway, call for someone to clean this mess please..." I sighed.

"Yes, sir. I'll be taking my leave now." And thus, he left my office.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and went back to finishing my coffee as I wait for someone to come and clean the mess I and that unknown woman made. Speaking of which, I forgot and should've asked for her name at least. And here I thought I'd forever have no problems regarding my family.

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