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Kaelynn had always been an introvert. Avoiding social situations, staying quiet in class when she knew the answer. Knowing this, she could never talk to him. He was loud and sometimes obnoxious. He was fire, she was ice. The possibility of them being together always eluded her mind, "He probably doesn't know I'm here, anyway," she thought.

She always had a crush on Paul. He was cute and tall, a little too skinny, but she never minded. He was one of the top players in the marching band, our middle school band director always thought he was amazing. He earned solo positions in concert and jazz and had a head start in marching band season. His mom was a percussionist back when she was in high school. "I never liked to march," she always paused after she said this, "But it was worth it. I made so many friends, and I suppose it was fun." Kaelynn never pressed his mother on the subject.

He wasn't on her mind too much despite having a crush on him. She had crushes before Paul, so why was it any different? She didn't know, and she didn't care to have an answer. Band was the top consumer of her time and she never really cared. She always just thought she would do it. Why not? Her friends were in the band, her favorite teacher was in the band, and Paul was in the band. What more reason could she need? Her friends were her partners in crime, sticking together through thick and thin and fighting off anyone who threatened them. She truly appreciated them, when she thought about them. If Kaelynn wasn't wasting her time playing video games or reading, she would be hanging out with her few friends.

Gianna and Jake were her best friends. Gianna was always a bundle of energy, who knows if it was the ADHD or not? Kaelynn always thought Gianna would be the same without it. They were always spending time together, whether it be at home gossiping about boys and the school drama queens, or out and about pointing at all the cool and colorful things. Their favorite place out of everywhere, and besides the new sushi restaurant, was Kaelynn's house. Kaelynn's family was rich. Really rich for the town she lived in. Her parents had a four-acre property and a swing in their basement.

"I'm sorry," Gianna laughed, "You have a swing in your basement?"

"That I do, I can show you if you don't believe me." Kaelynn thought for a moment and interrupted Gianna as she opened her mouth. "Of course you don't believe me. Come on."

The girls walked over to the base of her stairs. She had a relatively long staircase that led to her room, the entertainment room, and her basement. She noticed Gianna sigh. She knew Gianna was scared of the dark and scared of heights. Never a good combo.

"Thankfully, we have light." Kaelynn flipped on the light switch and filled downstairs with light. Kaelynn was afraid of the dark too, and she felt relief after turning on the lights.

"That takes care of one. Maybe I'll do a rain dance to teleport downstairs."

"How does that make sense?" Kaelynn laughed. Gianna shrugged and started dancing. They laughed all the way downstairs, almost tripping several times. Her basement was dark, no windows and all cement. Everyone who came down here always thought it looked unfinished. Gianna aggressively smacked the light switch up, which made both girls laugh. Gianna took three steps in before she noticed the yellow and blue swings.

"Uh, you lied." Gianna spun on her heel to face Kaelynn.

"What did I do this time?"

"You said you had A swing. Not two. Point: Gianna." She made an L with her fingers.

"Sure, yeah, how about I karate chop you into tomorrow?"

"Whatever." She laughed.

The girls had fun on the two swings Kaelynn had.

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