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His thoughts filling his mind, fogging his eyes and closing him off from reality. The cap pressing tight to his head making him dizzy along with the goggles crushing into his forehead. A long whistle signal forcing him out of his mind just long enough for him to step up onto the diving block, before his thoughts once again starts filling up all the available spaces in his head. 

Another two sharp whistles, followed by a man shouting

"Take your marks!"

His mind so fogged up that he forgets to breathe properly, his lungs are screaming for air. He snaps for air, and struggles to keep himself standing in start position (even though he's not standing there for no more than two seconds). He takes one last try for a big breath before the start signal goes off, and before he knows it he's flying in the air. His body moving on its own and not waiting for a command to move.

It feels like an eternity in the air, he still can't get his thoughts cleared, the feeling of drowning weighs upon him and before he knows it he has broken the water surface. He falls gracefully through the water and his mind clears up instantly. What once was a big, black knot of yarn full of negative thoughts was suddenly all untangled and he could breathe again. He is where he belongs, and he enjoys the time he has under water, before he has to break the surface again and breathe.

Kicking as far as he is allowed to, his body moving gracefully and powerful with each and every kick, his body soaring through the water. He moves his hands towards his legs in a zigzag motion, followed by both his arms thrown above his head simultaneously and he breaks the surface taking a large breath. and he repeats the movement with breathing every other arm stroke. He's back in his element, mind clear and ready to win. The competition has begun. And Han Jisung is in his ace. Nothing can stop the beast that has been unleashed.

He finishes 4,67 seconds before second place throws his hands into the wall. The crowd gets wild, and they're chanting his name over and over. And slowly but surely his mind is fogging up again. He lifts himself up of the pool and walks towards the showers. He sees the crowd chanting before his eyes, but he can't comprehend anything. His eyes slowly drifting towards his friends who are running towards him with arms ready to engulf him, they have the biggest smiles plastered on their faces that he's ever seen. He stops his movements and turns towards the outstretched arms. Suddenly his eyes is loosing focus and he blinks heavily trying to see clear, before his legs give up under him and he crashes towards the floor, his eyes slowly loosing vision and everything goes black.

A/N. Well this is something. Hope you enjoyed this little prologue/start. Please leave comments and feedback, much appreciated . 

Lil'Chonkus out!

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