Chapter 12: The War of death

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A/N: This part contains violance and death

Subaru POV:

And then I told him "Yes I guess I love Y/N wait no I AM SURE I LOVE HER " Shu then proudly said "then go and tell her before it's too late!" After he said this sentence Jenna came in and shouted "Guys get ready the battle begins at this moment , so stop everything you're doing and come with me!!!" In an instant we stood up and followed Jenna into the forest where Shu and I already saw the rest of our brothers and Y/N fighting the enemy. All three of us jumped into the battlefield and started to fight along the others. I kicked down some stupid idiots and killed them with my silver knife. I then saw someone aim at Y/N right before he could shoot I killed him so with that she would be a bit safe or I think atleast. I then continued to fight...


I saw that Subaru killed a man that was aiming at me. Wow respect I feel honoured. But I need to concentrate on the enemy. I shooted a few people with a blueflame blast and ended their life with a stab through the heart or by cutting of their heads with my black sword. Two seconds later after I killed the last person who was trying to attack me I saw a men aiming at Subaru the arrow darted right his way and in an instant I stood in front of him as a shield and then I felt a huge pain in my chest and a warm red liquid spilling out of it. I got shot. I then saw Subaru run to me screaming my name, but his voice began to be a bit unclean for me to hear and then I fell to the ground....

Subaru POV:

I saw that Y/N took an arrow for me  rushed to her screaming her name " Y/N!!!!!!!!!". She protect me! This idiot . I saw her body on the ground and kneeled down and took her in my arms saying" You Idiot why did you take that arrow for me huh? WHY?!" She then said something that almost made me cry " because I love you Subaru Sakamaki" then I said " I love you too please don't die don't leave me alone okay you're gonna be fine we'll get you fixed and...." She stopped me by kissing me passionately and I kissed back with tears rolling down my cheeks then I felt that she was loosing strength I broke the kiss and saw that she was closing her beautiful E/C eyes and then with her last breath she again said "" then she was gone. My heart broke into pices and I started crying saying her name over and over agin aksing her to open her pretty eyes to smile at me to talk to me but I knew that she was gone. Shu approached me and asked " Are you alright?" I just took Y/N body and laid it into Shu's arms then I told him " bring her back to the Mension and put her into my coffin." After I said that he went to the Mension without aksing any questions, then I turned to the men who shoot her and with no heartfeelings, a cold glare and all the power I have I tortured him to death and not only him I did that to the whole Army. All I felt was pain, pain from loosing the most Important thing in my life .... Y/N. When I was done I returned to the Mension washed myself and then went to my room to see Y/N lying in my coffin dressed in a black nightgown and with a purple and white rose in her hair. I just sat down beside the coffin and began to speak " You can't be dead right? You're alive you must be...please I love you " I repeated myself thousand times and in between I gave her kisses hoping she would wake up from them ,but I knew this would only work in fairytales. I then decided to not leave her side till she wakes up.....

Time skip: 3 days later

Subaru POV:

It's been three days since she died I am still staying by her side even closer then before it might sound creepy but I am cuddling with her. I miss her smile, laugh, attitude everything about her. It hurts...

Then Jenna came in screaming in joy " SUBARU WE CAN BRING HER BACK TO LIFE !!"

I then asked " HOW?"

She then showed me Y/N magic book and what I saw was just amazing.....


OMG Guys this was an exciting Chapter but also a very sad one...😵😨😭❤️

Will they be able to bring Y/N back to life and what will Subaru do If she's gone forever???😬🌹

Stay tuned to find out 😇🤗😇😘




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