Chapter 32: the deadly idea

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Then an idea popped into my head. If I could go to the land of death and find the jewel of life then maybe I could have a chance to heal him or even better get this curse off of him...
It's settled I'm gonna do it I'll go to the land of death and find the jewel of life.....

I went back to the house ran up to Reji's room to check if tsun tsuns was still asleep. When I entered Reji's room I went over to Subaru who was still sleeping. Suddenly he took my hand and kissed it ,, What are you planning my love?" He asked in a weak voice. Then I told him ,, nothing just gonna visit a friend of mine don't worry okay I'll be back in two days and you should rest a bit I love you." He then kissed me on the lips and went back to sleep. I got up because he had pulled me into the bed and went to my room to start packing. When I finished I grabbed my stuff and was about to leave when Reji stopped me and gave me some food for my trip then I took of to a new dangerous adventure....

Subaru POV

When I woke up I saw that she wasn't there anymore so she must've left after she had talked to me. I got up, dressed myself and went downstairs to the dining room to have breakfast. I sat down and got wierd looks from the others looks like ' are you okay?' or ' are you sure you should be outta bed?' god that makes me kinda pissed where is Y/N when you need her😑 I just sighed and began to eat my breakfast or dinner whatever you want to call that. After that we went to school.

At school:

The whole day I had a wierd feeling when It was lunch break I went up to the roof to sit down on a bench and to look a the moon because everytime
I look at it it feels like she is right here beside me when she is on a trip or whatever she does. When I looked at the moon I noticed something strange, it had a greenish red colour and it wasn't full even it was supposed to be so that's what Y/N had told me when I asked her when the next full moon is... Wait a second!!!! Y/N isn't here, the moon is coloured in storage colours and I've been having a wierd feeling since she went off to her friend....she lied to me this little freak she probably isn't visiting her friend she is on a dangerous mission that would be the best explanation for this crap. When I get my hands on her she'll be in bigggg trouble. Suddenly I felt pain in my chest not again and then blacked out......


I made in in the land of death to be honest killing my physical body wasn't fun trust me. I build up some kind of camp and checked where I was and which way I'll have to go then I went to sleep. A few hours after I had fallen asleep I heard strange noises, so I opened my eyes and saw a few shadows walking around my tent. Oh no I am in trouble this isn't good....


So guys that's it again for today

This is getting interesting again and who or what is walking around Y/N's tent? And will Subaru find out what she's planning? 🤔🤔🤔🤔❤️❤️❤️

Stay tuned to find out more 🤗❤️😘

I am sorry for not updating lately I've been so stressed out and been having some private problems that I forgot to write/update the story please understand my issues. I'll try to upload on time and if not please don't be angry.....😭😅😟😓😱😶

Yours faithfully



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