Chapter 15

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Anvi after visiting parikh orphanage came back home and went straight to Manik's room... she opened door and saw him doing something on laptop... she cleared her throat  to  get his attention... Manik who was busy working on something... hearing someone clearing throat looks up and saw anvi standing at door step... he immediately closed the laptop and asked her to come inside...

Manik : anvi come inside... why you standing there...

Anvi smiled and came inside and sat beside Manik on couch where he was sitting...

Anvi : Bhai...

Manik : hmm!

Anvi : Bhai can I ask you something.... I mean hearing this you won't get angry.... Bhai please don't take me wrong hearing this...

Manik looks at her then cupped her face in his hands...

Manik : why you hesitating telling me? Why will I get angry hearing you? Say clearly what you want to say....

Anvi looked at Manik before opening her mouth...

Anvi : Bhai did you fight with Nandini Di.... I mean the day she came to get Kaira from our house... from that day she never comes to malthora house.... I don't know what happened that day but I don't know why I feeling something happened between you and Di...  even Nandini Di behaves strange... she  hardly talks to anyone...she locks herself in her room like you do Bhai.... Bhai did you tell something..... Bhai know you today I saw Nandini Di.... I could see the same pain which I saw in your eyes.... she has pain losing someone Bhai..... Bhai please talk to Di and clear your misunderstanding with her.... I can't see her like this..... she is very close to him in this short days... Bhai you know why I call Di... because being with her  I can feel protective like I am with you... Bhai you and Di  are very important for me.... I can't lose you or Di..... please Bhai.....

At the end she starts crying hugging Manik .... Manik was speechless hearing anvi... Manik didn't knew what to do next... he was feeling sad anvi seeing her crying..... he caressed her hair....

Manik : anvi baby.... stop crying..... please....

Anvi broke hug and looked at Manik ... Manik's hand reached to anvi's face and wiped those tears... Manik cupped her face... and kissed her forehead....

Manik : don't cry so much... if you want me to meet her then I'll.... baby I never want to make
You upset.... Please for me stop crying and call Neela aunty.....

Anvi : thank you Bhai..... please talk to Nandini Di....

Manik smiled but was he really ready to face Nandini after 6 months... he told anvi he will clear his misunderstanding but was it there any misunderstanding between them.... Manik was lost in his thought when he heard anvi clicking her finger.... he looked at her...

Manik : huh...

Anvi : Bhai I was thinking when will kaka come back... it's been more than week... he said that he will be back in three days but it's has been more three days.... I am missing him... I wish kaka was here....

Manik : why you missing kaka.... don't you have your classes to go....

Anvi avoiding looking at Manik ....

Anvi : woh..... Bhai....

Manik noticed her playing with her fingers... he very wells knows her....

Manik : don't hide.... no Bhai or woh... I want to hear truth from you... are you missing your classes.... anvi it's dream to become world famous dancer then how can you not attend your class... I don't want to hear any excuses from you... from tomorrow you will attend your class.... I will personal ask kaka to come back and drop you every morning to your class... understood...

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