Chapter 18

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Cold airs were hitting their faces... beach was completely silent expect the noise of sea moving or the wave sound .... we could still hear the silent sobs.... both were crying turning their faces away from each other..... how would face each other when you feeling in pain.... Manik was crying because of remembering his childhood bitter life while Nandini was crying because of his pain.... his pain was breaking her heart every seconds.......

They didn't faced each other when they tranche broke by a phone ring.... Nandini harshly wiped her face and took her phone out... she saw anvi calling.... she composed herself and picked the call....

Nandini : hello

Anvi : hello Di... when are coming back?... maa is asking about and Bhai...

Nandini hearing Bhai from Anvi again her eyes teary up..... she pressed her lips together to control her tears...

Nandini: anvi I'm coming home soon.... okay bye...

Nandini ended the call without hearing anvi next word... soon as the call was ended Nandini busted in tears... she cried her heart out....... her cries was loud enough for Manik to hear... Manik who was crying silently remembering those days... he did hear Nandini's side conversation but didn't react.... he was lost in his own world when he heard Nandini's cry which was braking his heart... still he was unaware of his own feelings... he was still fighting trusting someone or not....

He shared his past with her but  doesn't mean he trust her.... something pulled him sharing his past to her... he was relief but something else was overpowering his mind.... he was afraid what if she leaves him like everyone need... what if he dies without getting love or care.... all negative thoughts were powering his mind....

He was thinking all these that didn't realise when Nandini's cries stopped.... he stood up feeling a touch..... he was still scared thinking she will hit him like his step father use to do locking him in dark room....

He immediately fell in toes an folded his hands together and begged her not hit him.....

Manik : pleas...... e don.....t hi....t..... I...... go..... aw....ay....... plea.... se.... don.....t......

He touched her feet while she stepped back.... she cried more seeing him behaving like mad person... yes he was behaving like mad person.... Nandini slowly bend down to his level and pulled him in her warmth.... only her warmth could calm him down.... she hugged him with all strength...... while he kept struggling to come out off her Arms.... he tried slapping her shoulder but she didn't pulled from hug......

Manik at the end gave up and hugged her tightly and cried hiding his face in crook of her neck.... she was ruffling his hair..... she was crying in her heart seeing him like this... she couldn't cry front of him making him more weak.... she had to show herself strong person front of him... if she breaks front him then you will handle him... which she never wants.... she will heal him at any cost....

She tightened the hug.... slowly she felt Manik calming down.... she though didn't broke the hug but whispered his name softy while ruffling his hair with her hand....

Nandini : Manik ..... Manik .......

Manik didn't respond... his cries truly stopped but he was still crying silent... even he has heart.... his heart pains every moment..... the boy who never got love from parents or anyone then what can you expect could you think about that person.... his heart bleeds seeing others happy family... didn't he carve for family.... even he wants a small family who he can call his.... didn't he.... but what did he got.......

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