the Goodbye

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Chapter 5 

Waking up, I really didn't want to move. I'm warm and very comfortable in Evans arms. Just the the events of yesterday came flooding into my senses. He had marked him and somehow I was able to mark him back. Does this mean I'm now a vampire.

"No love you're not one yet. We will get to that once we're back home." A voice suddenly entered my head making me jump. It sounded just like Evan, but the voice spoke in my head. "It's called a mate link. I can hear your thoughts, and you can hear mine. I'll teach you how to hide some as well." This time he spoke out loud.

"You could have warned me. I almost had a heart attack." He chuckled at my outburst. I landed a soft punch to his arm and we went into a play fight. Moments later we both hear someone clearing their throat. Looking up I could see Jenny clinging to an agitated looking Ethan. "Give us a few more moments. My parents are going to be screaming soon." I dismissed them and Evan gave me an approving smile.

He wretch a hand to my neck were he marked me and it sent a rush of tingles down my spine. "The mark looks beautiful on you my love." He got this loving look as he gazed on it. The words finally registering to me, I rush to the mirror to have a look.

There I can see a black and white bloomed out rose with Evan's name written in cursive. Gently touching it, I smiled at how it looks. "I love it. Is yours the same." He nodded and came to me, showing my mark. The only difference is his says my name. I love that it looks like a tattoo, that way no humans will question the two holes in my neck.

We decided to spend till ten just cuddling and play fighting. We have really only know each other for maybe a day or so, but it feels like an eternity. "Come on we need to get going. I want to get this over with and soon." I said finally getting up. At first I didn't want to leave, but the more time I spent with Evan the more it felt right to.

"Do you want to eat breakfast first?" He asked between pecking my cheeks. Nodding he picked me up bridal style and rushed from the room. His vamp speed caused me to giggle like a little kid when they get excited. He showed me earlier and knew how much I loved it.

Once in the kitchen he set me down on the bar stool and got to cooking. "Whats on the menu this morning Mr. Chef?" He turned around with a grin at my question. Jenny and Ethan came down and joined us a few moments later. I looked at her neck to see her mark, but I couldn't find one. "Where's your mark?" I asked her.

She seemed to choke on her drink at my bluntness. "Mine is the same as yours, but is a raven in flight. I just use a spell to hide it sometimes." She ran a hand over her neck and the raven appeared. It is beautifully done, I wonder why she chooses to hide it. "I look sixteen and humans ask to many questions." She had a point.

"It looks beautiful and I think it fits you perfectly. I'd just ignore them and let it show." A smile graced her face at my words. It is true that the mark matched her perfectly, I noticed she began to touch and a look of pride came on her face.

She went to speak, but Evan place our food in front of us. We took to enjoying our feast instead of talking. He made bacon, eggs, and pancakes which are amazingly good. I made a sandwich out of all of it, which caused the others to laugh. "It's called a breakfast sandwich." I stuck my tongue out at them, which caused them to laugh more.

Jenny and I took to doing the clean up, since the boys did last night. "When you two get done, we'll head out. We should make it to your house by 12:30pm." We nodded in agreement. My nerves started to spike now. Thirty more minutes and I'll have to talk to my family. I want to just skip this, but I know I couldn't do this to them.

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