The encounter

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Chapter 2 

"No like this.... Always make sure to step with your hits. With the knife hold it so you can still punch. This will give you harder punches as well." My dad has been helping Annalise for about an hour. When I had gotten back from the search, we set up tripwire like a cage that goes up six feet. We made sure to leave just a big enough gap at the bottom to crawl under.

"She's getting better. Was hitting weak and now has a bit of force with it." I nodded agreeing with Anthony, he has been observing them like I have. He took to the guns easier so his session went quicker. My dad set up a space on the roof to be able to sit up there if needed. My mom began to make a bunker in the basement and board up the windows.

"Can you two help me with the upstairs and the doors please?" Our mom called from the kitchen. She had finished the whole downstairs other than the doors. She came up with an idea to put three boards that can be removed if we needed to leave. I took to doing the front door while mom took the back, and Anthony started doing the windows upstairs.

I finished after ten minutes so I headed upstairs to start on my rooms windows. "Hey Anthony do you have any extra wood? Anthony....ANTHONY. Anthony what are yo...." I walked to his room when he wouldn't answer me. What I see brought rage from deep within me and I attacked. "I'll kill you for this!!!" They merely got a scream out when I slung my blade, ending their life.

My parents came rushing up the stairs when they heard the commotion. "Anthony needs help. He didn't answer me so I came in. He was laying there and I got angry...their not a problem any more." They were at Anthony's side, but at the end of my words they glanced over to the lifeless girl. We're guessing she is the one who tripped the traps. My heart ached for my brother, I regret not making him wait for me.

"Alexi he's okay. Just a cut, good thing you came in when you did. Let's get him to the bed. Go check the house honey, take Alexi with you. Annalise go to the bathroom and bring me a washcloth and first aid." My mom being a nurse she immediately got to work while dad and I did a look over. My dad took the roof and I took the floor we're one, we agreed to do the basement together due to it being huge.

I had the library left, everything is clear as of now. This is by far my favorite room out of all of them. I had a strong urge to read Charles Dickens, I've never picked his books before. Could it be someone the girl killed that I now have. Clearing it I made my way to the roof where my dad sat. "We'll get through this dad. We have to." I leaned my head on his shoulder and we looked out into the forest. The night seemed normal, but we both knew it was just a facade. "This is peaceful, but common. We still have the basement.

Getting up he followed me to the basement. We brought boards to go ahead and cover the few windows down here. "Here's how she got in. The window is all busted. Why didn't your mom board these?" My dad did have a point. Mom was down here setting up the food and if need be bedding. Could have thought it wouldn't matter, the windows are very small and hidden by the bushes.

"Their small and hidden. Probably thought no one would notice." I shrugged it off and we boarded up the four thats down here. Looking around, everything looked to be in place other than a few things have been eaten. The girl more than likely was hungary, possibly could have stayed if she hadn't hurt Anthony. "Looks clear." I responded once we checked everything.

We are on our way up the basement steps when we heard screams. It's not Anthony or your mother and sister. Grab two handguns and follow me." My dad ordered. I handed him one and we made our way to the front door. Mom is already at the door with a frightened look, "Close the door behind us. If need be shoot anything that moves other than us. Got it?" My dad turned to complete seriousness. Mom nodded and we headed out the door.

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