Chapter 12: Abby Is Kidnapped

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As the four months has passed, Abby is getting so happy to see her stomach is showing a lot more and she's now six months pregnant of Max's baby. Max is happy to be with Abby and Max Jr in his life. Max said, "This is going to be great to find a house that we want." Max Jr said, "Yay." Abby said, "Maxie, you always get too excited about everything and you're still our little baby." Max Jr smiles and Max said, "It won't be long until your baby brother or sister is going to be here." Abby said, "I'm so way overdue with the ultrasound and I felt like we've been trying to find the right house." Max said, "Babe, everything is going to be okay and we were just busy by taking care our son." Abby said, "Yeah and hopefully, we can be alone again sort of." Max said, "Yeah and our kids won't mind to be with us." Abby said, "I guess our children is our everything like we did." Max said, "But we're still are and it would be lame if we would say everything is about us." Abby said, "Yeah and that's not being good parents because everything is about children instead of parents." Max said, "Yeah and our children does mean the world to us." Abby said, "At least you know how to be a good dad to Maxie." Max said, "Yeah and Max loves being happy by playing with Mr. Elephant." Abby said, "He's our son." Max said, "I feel like Alex is a psycho ex boyfriend of yours." Abby said, "Everybody says that he is and I believe them." Max said, "Yeah and his cousin Daisy is ten times worse than Alex." Abby said, "Yeah I know and she never had a lesson in her life." Max said, "Yeah and we're keeping our marriage safe. We can still go to the ultrasound and check on the baby." Abby said, "Sure and I need to get that done." Max said, "Yeah and we need to because we want to know if the baby is a girl." Abby said, "Yeah and I've been begging for a girl." Max said, "Me too love." They arrived at the hospital for an ultrasound and they walked in to the hospital. Max Jr is so excited to be a big brother and he's hoping to have a baby sister. They went in to check on the baby and Dr. Kendall came in to the room. Abby looks at Dr. Kendall and asked, "Are you Alex's mom?" Dr. Kendall said, "Yes I am and thank you for pointing that out." Abby said, "You're welcome." Dr. Kendall said, "Please don't tell Alex that we met." Abby said, "Cross my heart, Dr. Kendall." Dr. Kendall said, "You're a very sweet girl that I ever met and you have a son." Max said, "That's Max Jr and Abby is the one who named him after me." Dr. Kendall said, "I'm so sorry that Alex punched you in the left eye and I did everything that I've could to help my son." Abby said, "It's not really nobody's fault and he's that kind of psycho ex boyfriend of mine by refusing to get some help." Dr. Kendall said, "Yeah and Mr. Kendall did everything to help Alex but Alex punched his dad in the face all the time. We have nothing else to do with our son and if we call the police, Alex will run away all the time by making lies up to the neighbors that we abuse him." Max said, "Yeah and he even brought a gun to scare everybody. He was going to shoot me and my dad for keeping Abby away from him. Now Abby has to do exactly what Alex says and it's completely ridiculous to listen to his crap." Dr. Kendall said, "I'm so sorry guys, we did everything that we could to help him and I guess Alex just doesn't want to go to the mental hospital at all." Abby said, "We always keep our mouth shut when we can't tell him anything else about children." Dr. Kendall said, "Exactly and now, let's check on the baby." Abby lift her a half way and Dr. Kendall grabbed the joystick. She grabbed the gel and puts the joystick on Abby's stomach. Dr. Kendall starts the sonogram and Abby looks at the baby. Max said, "I remember when Max Jr was there." Max Jr said, "Me, Daddy." Max said, "Yes you, Max and Mommy was having you. We were checking on you and you were so cute with tiny hands. I remember how your left hand was right there on the screen for waving at us to say hello to us and you were lucky to be here with us." Abby said, "Aww, this is so cute." Max said, "There's our daughter." Dr. Kendall said, "Yup and it's a girl." Abby said, "She's so cute and I knew we will have a girl." Dr. Kendall moves it over to the left and Max saw another baby. Abby looks at the sonogram and asked, "Who's that baby?" Dr. Kendall said, "I think it's too hard to tell but I don't know if it's a boy or a girl." Max said, "Well at least we'll still be a family and I won't let go of this family ever." Max Jr said, "Baby." Abby said, "That's right, honey and that's baby. She's your little sister." Max said, "At least you know how to talk." Max Jr said, "Yeah." Dr. Kendall said, "I guess you have twins but I don't know about the other baby and we should find out when you give birth to the other baby." Abby said, "That's fine with me." Max said, "At least we have twins but we only know that one baby is a girl." Abby said, "We'll find out about the other baby." Max said, "I have you guys with me and this is the real reason why I wanted a family with the girl that I beg for that has our son with me." Abby said, "Well at least you married one and I feel like it's great to be a wife." Max said, "Yeah and it's even better than not to marry you." Dr. Kendall said, "I remember you as Abby Watson." Abby said, "That's me and I used to have red hair until it became dark brown hair so now I'm Abby Nichols." Dr. Kendall said, "Gosh Abby, you are all grown up and I felt like I remembered you how little you were." Abby said, "It's so great to see you, Dr. Kendall." Dr. Kendall said, "I'm so happy that you remembered me and I can't believe that you got married to Professor Nichols's son." Max asked, "How did you know my dad? Did you guys went to school together?" Dr. Kendall said, "Yes I did and your dad was my first boyfriend back then in the fourth grade. It brings me back so many memories and we broke up in our tenth grade year." Max asked, "Did you became a psycho ex girlfriend?" Dr. Kendall said, "No but we just became friends and we always will be. He got with your mother and I was your mother's best friend. I may be jealous of her but we never got into a fight at all and that's how I got with Damien. Damien is my lover and my husband." Abby said, "I wonder why Alex didn't want to be like you did." Dr. Kendall said, "Alex wasn't meant to be this way and we heard some many stories that he was knocked unconscious so many times when he was around five or six." Max asked, "Why would this happened to him?" Dr. Kendall said, "He always get hit by a tree branch or a wall without knowing where he was looking." Abby said, "Oh God." Max said, "You mean that's why he's messed up." Dr. Kendall said, "Yes." Abby said, "You mean that we have to stay away from him as possible." Dr. Kendall said, "Yes dear, for your own safety and you guys are lucky to be safe." Max said, "Thank you." Abby said, "Thank you." Max Jr is happy to have a baby sister but he doesn't know if his other sibling will be a baby brother or a baby sister. The next three months, Abby gave birth to their daughter and something is going to happen. Abby pushed for the last time and she relaxed with tears. Dr. Kendall said, "It's a boy." Max is in tears and sobs, "Oh my God." Abby sobs, "My babies." The nurses are cleaning them up and Max sobs, "We made two little babies that are twins." Abby sobs, "I'm glad that have twins." Max sobs, "Me too beautiful." Dr. Kendall gave Abby the twins and Abby holds on to them. Abby sobs, "Hi sweeties." Max sobs, "Hey guys, you guys were kicking Mommy so much." Abby sobs, "Thank you guys for joining with your big brother Max Jr and he will always be there for you guys." Max sobs, Thanks Anna Lynn and Mason for coming to our world." Abby sobs, "Thank you guys so much." As the next week came, Max and Abby are coming over to Abby's house to surprise her parents from their honeymoon surprise. A little that they didn't know, Alex is standing in front of the house by talking to Katherine about Abby and Alex asked, "Where's Abby?" Katherine said, "She's not home." Alex asked, "Can I ask you something?" Katherine said, "Sure." Alex asked, "Have you considered if you were like Abby for dating a jerk but you realized that somebody else is still in love with you?" Katherine said, "No but I don't think that works with me." Abby got out of the car as she shuts the door and Max looks at Alex. Max said, "Abby, look over there." Abby turns around and saw Alex talking to Katherine. Abby said, "Oh no." Katherine saw Abby, Max, and the kids. Alex asked, "Are you okay, Mrs. Watson?" Katherine said, "I'm fine." Max said, "Babe, you have to run." Abby turns around and asked, "What about the kids?" Max said, "I'll handle this." Alex asked, "What is it, Mrs. Watson?" Max said, "Babe, run." Alex turns around and Abby starts running. Alex starts catching up with Abby and Max Jr said, "Momma." Max said, "Kids, it's going to be alright." Alex catches up with Abby and he grabs her. Abby stops running and Alex took Abby to his house. Max backs up the car and Abby starts yelling for help. Drew came out of the house and he saw Abby got kidnapped by Alex. Drew came back from Montana and he ran over to Max while Max is backing up the car. Drew said, "Max." Max stops the car and asked, "What's wrong?" Drew said, "I saw Alex kidnapped Abby and she needs our help." Max said, "I need to know where does Alex lives." Jackson heard screaming as he knew it was coming from Abby and he came out of the door. Drew said, "Just let me help you." Max said, "Sure." Jackson ran over to Max and Drew. Jackson said, "I heard screaming from outside and I believe it's Abby." Max said, "I should've told her to stay in the car with me and I failed as a husband." Jackson said, "Don't say that, Max and Abby told every one of us to know what to do for solving problems." Drew said, "We have to find Abby." Max said, "Alright and I just hope she's aright." Meanwhile at Alex's house, Alex took Abby to his basement and he tied her up. Abby couldn't even get out of the chair and asked, "Why did you do this to me?" Alex said, "You were using me for getting a better guy than me." Abby said, "Alex, please stop doing this to me and I want to go home." Alex said, "This is your home one day and my parents can move out of this house so that we can have this house to ourselves." Abby asked, "Why would you think I want to marry you?" Alex said, "You promise me and I begged you to live with me once we're in our freshmen year at college." Abby said, "I told you yes but after you went to the hospital, I might've forget all about it and I haven't been talking about it since then." Alex said, "You've been brainwashed by Drew and Max. They did this to you and you know what they did to you." Abby said, "They didn't brainwashed me and I didn't even want Drew." Alex asked, "Who set you up with Drew?" Abby said, "I don't know and I think it was someone from school who did this." Alex said, "I didn't set you up with Drew." Abby said, "It's not you and it has to be someone who set me and Drew up to date." Alex asked, "Who do we know that has a right to set you two up? Is it because someone is setting you guys up behind my back?" Abby said, "That last part is a yes but the first part is been unsolved for years and I remembered when Lindy was going to tell Drew that I was cheating on him for Max." Alex said, "You said Lindy's name and she's the one who did it." Abby asked, "How did you know?" Alex said, "Lindy is the kind of girl to set anyone up until their relationships became brutal." Abby said, "I can see that and she's still mad about how she got disqualified for being a prom queen." Alex said, "You are a beautiful prom queen to me and you still are." Abby said, "Not when I'm all tied up." Alex said, "You're all mine and I want you to be." Abby said, "Let me go." Alex said, "No and you promise me that you loved me and you will stay with me." Abby said, "If you let me go, you promise for one thing that I will help you and keep you all calm." Alex asked, "Would I ever fall for that?" Abby asked, "Do you want me or not?" Alex said, "Yes I want you and you promise me that you will help me and keep me all calm." Abby said, "Yes." Alex pulls the gun out of his right pocket and said, "The promise doesn't go anywhere with me and you are all mine." Abby said, "I didn't say anything about the gun." Alex said, "No but I did and I was just putting the gun down on the table." Abby said, "Oh okay and I thought you were going to kill me." Alex said, "No baby, you're way too beautiful to be killed and I always love you." Alex puts the gun down on the table and meanwhile, Jackson is figuring out which way Alex took Abby at. Max said, "Get in the car and you can tell me where to turn." Drew said, "Let's go save Abby." Jackson said, "She must be scared." Jackson and Drew got in to the car with the kids. Max starts driving and meanwhile at Alex's basement, Abby is still tied up. Abby asked, "Are you going to untied me?" Alex said, "No but you will soon." Abby said, "We made the deal and now you're not going to untied me from this chair." Alex said, "I don't want to untied you just yet because I'm going to keep you here until everything is over." Abby said, "We made a deal before about you're not going to shoot Max and his dad." Alex said, "You don't need them and they're not part of this anymore." Abby said, "Please don't shoot Max and I'm begging you please." Alex said, "Finally, you are now crawling back to the begging part and you don't want them." Abby said, "That's not what I said." Alex asked, "What do you ever want from them?" Abby said, "Professor Nichols is my father-in-law and I love him so much because he met me when he brought Max over to my house when we were little." Alex said, "You guys knew each other and you have any more sides that you knew of." Abby said, "I already knew The Nichols, The Coopers, The Winslows, The Carters, The Bradshaws, The Millers, The Swansons, and The Morrisons." Alex said, "You must've known a lot of people before me." Abby said, "Yeah and my last name isn't Watson anymore." Alex said, "You are not Abby Nichols and you're Abby Watson." Abby said, "No Alex, I'm legally married which that means is that I'm Abby Nichols and you are now speechless without any words." Alex said, "You wouldn't say that and supposed to be like it's all wacky and stuff." Abby said, "Please let me go and I don't want to be here." Alex said, "I'm not letting you go." Meanwhile, Max is figuring out where to turn and Jackson said, "I would say he went to this direction on the right." Max turns to the right and he went straight. Max asked, "Now which way?" Jackson said, "Turn right again and then stop." Max said, "Got it." Max turns right and he pulls over to the side. Max stops the car and asked, "Now, which one of the three houses is Alex's house?" Drew said, "I think it's the second one and we'll go ask if they know Alex." Max said, "Good idea." Seth came out from the second and he saw Max and the crew. He came over to them and asked, "What's going on? Where's Abby?" Drew said, "Abby is gone missing and Alex has her." Jackson said, "You know which house Alex lives at." Seth said, "You mean that he's right there besides mine and he's my neighbor." Jackson said, "Now you have a psycho neighbor that lives right next to you. Get it." Drew said, "Shut up, Jackson and that's not funny." Max said, "He's going to get a police call by me." Drew said, "He'll find out." Max said, "I don't care and he has my wife somewhere in that house." Jackson said, "Police call is our only option and we have to save Abby." Drew said, "Just do it." Max calls the police on Alex for kidnapping Abby and meanwhile, Abby is waiting to be untied and Alex is thinking of a plan. Abby said, "Please Alex, I want to be free and I'm tired of waiting." Alex said, "Just chill, sweetheart and we can puppies and babies all we want." Abby said, "I don't think we can have them and I was planning on saving the money for something else." Alex said, "Oh come on, we can have one baby together and I saw you for a talk show with the jerk did in your seventh grade year about having a baby in the future." Abby said, "We were talking about that because we were giving that assignment and you didn't read the description right on the school's web page." Alex said, "I guess I didn't and you can tell me what did it say." Abby said, "We're supposed to talk about babies and how much expensive stuff for buying all of the baby items." Alex said, "I only watch how you put the baby pouch in front of you and I love how you look as my wife for having a baby." Abby said, "I'm not going to be your wife and I'm never going to be with you." Alex got so mad and he hits his fist on the table. Alex angrily, "No baby, you can't be with that jerk and I was the one who loved you." Abby said, "I'm sorry Alex and I'm not that perfect to be as your wife." Alex angrily, "But you are and don't you even dare say that you're not perfect to be my wife." Abby said, "Alex, I'm sorry but you have to listen to me." Alex angrily, "Tell me that you love me." Abby said, "No." Alex angrily, "If you say no to me, I have no choice to kill Max and his dad." Meanwhile, Max saw a live video notification and Jackson asked, "Is this a live video from Alex?" Drew said, "I got one." Max said, "Just press it." Drew pressed the live video notification and the video is now playing. Abby said, "Alright Alex, I love you more than anything in this world." Alex said, "Now that you do love me, I will find us a cute baby outfits for our baby." Abby said, "You can't be that serious." Alex said, "You don't have to worry about it, I have everything all under control and you don't need to buy them." Abby said, "I need to be untied and I'm begging you please." Alex said, "You will once it's over and we'll go lived happily ever after together." Jackson said, "Abby is in pain for not moving and she has to be free." Max said, "I want my Abby." Drew asked, "What do we do now?" Jackson said, "We can't get out of the car and he will find out that we're rescuing Abby." Abby said, "Please let me go and I want my kids and Max." Alex asked, "Did you just say that you have kids?" Drew said, "Oh no, Abby just said kids." Jackson said, "She's supposed to and it's part of the plan." Abby said, "Yes my kids and they miss me. I can't live without them and please let me go." Alex said, "No and you can't go get them until everything is over." Abby is worried and she doesn't know what to do anymore. She felt so scared and Alex said, "Now that you are all mine, you can give me something that I need." Abby asked, "What?" Alex said, "The ring and I want you to be my wife that I've begged for." Abby said, "I don't know." Alex said, "Oh come on, Abby and you love me so much." Abby said, "But I love Max." Alex slaps the table with his left hand and angrily, "No. You can't be in love with Max." Abby said, "I'm sorry Alex but I can't just run out on Max like that." Alex angrily, "You will and you're not disobeyed me with any kind of orders like Drew used to do to you. You are going to love whether you like it or not." Abby said, "I don't want to obeyed you and you can't make me at all." Alex angrily, "Give me all you got because you are all mine." Abby said, "Please let me go." Alex is calm and said, "No." Abby said, "I got to get home and I can't be with you." Alex said, "Yes you will and you are all mine." Abby breaks down into tears and Alex wipes Abby's tears. Alex said, "Don't cry my beautiful Abby bug." Abby sobs, "I want to go home and I want my parents." Alex said, "No angel, you belong to me and they can tell you how happy you are with me." Abby sobs, "Max, please help me and I'm begging you." Max said, "I better go save her and she's getting too upset." Max got out of the car and the police sirens were getting louder. Max over to Alex's house and he went to find the basement. Max Jr said, "Daddy." Jackson said, "It's okay, Max and Dad will be back to find Mommy." Max Jr said, "Yay." Max walks to the back of the house and he saw the back door was almost closed. He walks over to open the door and Abby sobs, "Max, you came." Alex said, "You fool, you made me messed up my live video for the whole world to see how great I am and keeping Abby away from you." Abby sobs, "Max, please help me." Max said, "I will, honey pie and the party is over, Alex." Alex said, "You are going to see how I'm a great guy than you." Max came over to Alex and he starts punching him in the face. Abby is trying to get the rope unloose and Alex said, "I'm going to get you so bad." Max said, "Yeah well try me and you're such a damn liar to be with my wife by kidnapping her. You are a one stupid son of the bitch and you made things worse than ever." Abby is trying to get out and Alex grabs the gun from the table. Alex put the gun to Max's head and said, "You dare try to say that Abby is yours then, I have no choice to kill you first and I will find your dad to be murdered next." Max's eyes were widened and said, "Please don't do this and just put the gun down." Alex said, "You're an idiot and I won't until if you give me your wedding ring to become mine." Abby sobs, "No Alex, I don't want you as my husband anymore and please let me go." Alex said, "Oh and if you dare untied Abby, I will hurt you again." Max said, "You're some sort of psycho ex boyfriend of Abby's and you are so dumb to think that I'm not the one for Abby. You are losing your damn mind to know that Abby is my wife and you know that she's mine. I don't care that we lied to you and your cousin has no right to come to Paris Las Vegas hotel to spy on us. I think you should get out of Abby's life and find some other girl to date." Alex angrily, "You should be the one to get out of Abby's life and take your kids with you." Max said, "You are not going to make me and I was meant to be with Abby. I don't want to get divorce with Abby and that takes my whole heart out to see all of this as a mess. I won't give you my wedding ring and you're not keeping Abby." The police sirens came really loud and the police came over to Alex's house. Alex asked, "What's going on here? Who called the police after I said not to?" Max said, "That's none of your business." The police were knocking on the door and Abby sobs, "Please let me out of here." Officer Gifford asked, "Where can we look?" Officer Buford said, "Check for the back." Officer Gifford and Officer Buford ran to the back of the house. Abby sobs, "Please let me go." Alex said, "No." Max said, "Baby bug, it's going to be alright." Officer Gifford came in and said, "Freeze." Max put his hands up and Officer Buford said, "Son, drop the gun." Alex said, "No and if you come near me, I will shoot you two for my plan." Officer Gifford said, "Now." Alex drops the gun and Officer Gifford and Officer Buford came over to Alex. Max walks over to Abby and he unties her from the chair. Abby got up and she hugs Max as she was crying so hard. They walked out of the basement and Officer Buford handcuffed Alex for kidnapping Abby. Max and Abby were standing there in front of the house. Jackson, Drew, and Seth came out of the car as they brought the kids. They all came over to Max and Abby. Drew hugs Abby and said, "It's going to be alright, Abby and you're okay." Abby sobs, "Thank you guys for saving me and you too, sweetie pie." Max said, "If it wasn't for Drew, you would be kidnapped forever and we wouldn't find you." The next day after the kidnapped incident, Drew came over for a visit and Max said, "Drew, we need to have a talk." Drew said, "I know and Abby text me about it." Max Jr said, "Uncle Drew." Drew said, "You are calling me, Uncle Drew and I guess you can call me that." Max Jr said, "Yay." Abby came downstairs and said, "Hey Drew." Drew said, "Hey Abby, you feel better from the whole thing from yesterday." Abby said, "Yes and I don't want to talk about it at all." Drew said, "That's fine with me and I came here because you guys have something to tell me." Abby said, "Come with us to the couch and we will discuss about all of this." Drew said, "Okay." Max and Abby both walked over to the couch as Max sat Max Jr down on the couch. Drew shuts the door and he came over to the other couch. Abby said, "Drew, while you were on a vacation with your family and I was with Max." Drew asked, "Then what happened?" Max said, "Well before you went on the vacation, you had that party at your house and we were playing spin the bottle when you were drinking beer. I spin the beer bottle and it landed on Abby. We went upstairs to make out and I got Abby pregnant." Abby said, "You took the DNA test to think Max Jr is your son but Max took the DNA after I gave birth to Max Jr." Drew asked, "What was the result with me?" Abby said, "You're not the father to Max Jr and Max is the father to Max Jr." Drew said, "I guess you two love each other and congratulations for your wedding that I've heard about." Max said, "Thank you." Abby said, "Thank you so much." Drew said, "I guess I should've get some help but I'm starting to work things out with my mom and she's going to get me some help. I hope to see you guys at Berkeley College when you guys get back from your break." Abby said, "We already had our honeymoon because the twins were ready to come early while we were having our honeymoon." Max said, "Yeah and it was fine with me." Abby said, "All three kids in the row and we're planning on having the last baby in the family." Drew said, "You guys are a right for each other and I'm not being too psycho as I used to be. I'm going to get sober and always promise myself that I will never take drugs again." Max said, "I'm glad Drew and we used to be best friends before you became a jerk." Drew said, "Yeah and I won't be rude anymore. I want to hang out with your friends and hopefully, we will all be friends again." Abby said, "Of course Drew and we did have our last kiss when you were going to Montana with Claire." Drew said, "Claire and I broke up for some reason. Claire just disappeared like five days after we broke up and nobody has any clue where did she go." Max said, "I was reading something about that and I wonder if she's alive or dead." Abby said, "I was going to say that." Meanwhile at jail, Alex is now angry and he doesn't like everything that was making him upset after what Max said. Alex angrily, "You will never seen this guy to be this evil before but I will be back for you, Abby and you will be my wife. I will get you, Max and you will never have my Abby again."           

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