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     As Harry walked into the great hall, he scanned the Slytherin table for Draco. There was no sign of the blond. Harrys eyes unwillingly moved from the Slytherin table to the rest of the hall memories flooding him. His eyes started to water as he backed up running back out the hall doors leaving everyone confused. He couldn't stand it; the memories were too much for him. They...*wham*. With tears streaming his face he had run into a boy in Slytherin colors. He looked up to see a worried and confused blond.

"Are you alright potter" Draco's voice was laced with worry. Draco put his arms on the raven-haired boys' shoulders holding him at arm's length.

"It's nothing" Harry looked away. He wanted to be alone to calm down.

"I should go" Harry said as he started to walk away, his face streaked with tears. Before he could get a foot, away Draco grabbed Harry's wrist pulling him into a hug. It was a tight hug, making Harry feel safe.

"What happened, I know I'm not one of your close friends, but I want to be, so please tell me what happened, I hate it when you cry." Draco said soothingly to the smaller male. Harry was as red as a tomato, why was Draco saying this. He pushed his questions aside and hugged Draco, surprising both boys.

"Me too Draco, it's just I've been having nightmares, flashbacks to the war, every time I remember something it becomes too much for me" Harry said burying his head deeper into Draco's robs, hot tears pouring down his face. He felt Draco start to rub his back, calming him. Draco heard footsteps and immediately looked up to see Ron and Hermione looking at them.

"Harry, mate what.... Why are you hugging Malfoy of all people"

Hearing Ron's surprised voice Harry looked up pulling away from Draco. Not knowing how to respond both boys stayed quiet blushing.

"my ship is finally sailing" Hemiones shrieks filled the once silent hall. All three boys looked at her confused.

"I got to go tell Pansy" Hermione said as she started to drag Ron with her. Leaving Harry and Draco even more confused.

"what just happened" Harry said breaking the silence that once again filled the hall.

"I don't even know Harry" the blond stated, slapping a hand over his mouth realizing what he had said. Causing Harry to let out a small chuckle.

"Its fine Draco I don't mind"

This caused both boys to laugh, Years of rivalry and here they were calling each other by their first names.

"God Harry how did this happen, one minute we hate each other and now were laughing as if we've been friends for forever" Draco panted out.

"I don't, god I don't even remember why I'm laughing but now I can't stop" Harry said still laughing.

After the two boys calmed down, they decide to walk to potions together considering they both had the class. 

(496 words)

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