The Announcement (part 1)

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   As Harry walked through the portrait and into the common area, he saw something beyond weird. Ginny was crying and Hermione was trying to comfort her. Fred and George were ignoring the fact that their sister was crying. Ron was nowhere to be seen either. Confused and rather concerned Harry went up to Fred and George to ask what had happened.

"Hey guys, umm why is Ginny crying and where is Ron?" Harry questioned the two. The brothers looked at Harry with expressionless faces, Causing Harry to be even more concerned considering they were always smiling a devilish smile.

"We don't know why Ginny's crying, but you got a letter and she read it and started crying. We're ignoring her for making Ron upset." George said, glaring a little in Ginny's direction.

"And Ron's with Blaise in the Slytherin common room" Fred finished, looking quite happy for Ron. Harry looked at the two brothers still confused.

"What was in the letter that made her cry" Harry asked, confusion and fear laced into his voice.

"we don't know, Hermione might" George said looking towards the two girls on the couch. Harry fallowed Georges gaze, looking at the table he saw the letter that caused all the commotion. He turned back to the brothers.

"Thanks guys, but may I ask why Ron is with Blaise?" Harry questioned; he didn't mind of course but he was curious.

"oh, there friends now, Blaise comforted him after he came out" Fred explained, glaring at Ginny again.

"came out?" Harry again asked, now confused again.

"he came out as gay and Ginny didn't support him" George said, looking over at his twin.

"oh okay, see you later guys" Harry said waving to the two. He walked over to the table, picking up the letter. Like the two said it was open, Harry was kind of mad at Ginny for opening it. He decided to ask why she opened the letter instead of getting mad.

"Ginny" Harry started looking up at the girl. She looked frightened and disgusted.

"Why did you open a letter that was assigned to me?" he asked, looking straight into her eyes. She looked away, starting to cry again, Hermione in turn sent a glare at Harry.

"I was curious, it was from your godfather and it seemed important" Ginny said, not once looking in Harry's direction. The answer only made Harry madder, but again he decides to leave it until morning. He turned towards the boys Dormitory, starting to walk towards it.

"Don't open my stuff without my permission Ginny" He said over his shoulder as he finally got to the stairs. His voice laced with venom. It made everyone in the room flinch, he had never been like this to anyone unless he distrusted them or hatted them. Harry got to his dorm to find that no one was there, he found it a little odd, except for Ron. He knew where he was. Harry decide to read the letter tomorrow with Draco in case the letter held anything worth crying over. He opened his nightstand and put the letter inside. He got dressed for bed and laid down, letting sleep overtake him.

~~~~~~~~With Draco~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Draco walked into the Slytherin common room and found Ron and Blaise chatting away. He thought nothing of it until Blaise kissed the red head. Draco smirked, walking over, and sitting in Front of the pair.

"About time" He said as the two jumped away from each other.

"Draco, when did you, what" Blaise started rambling.

"It's fine, but I would like to sleep tonight, and I don't think Slughorn will be happy with a Gryffindor here." He said as he got up.

"You won't tell will you" Blaise asked worry lacing his voice.

"of course, I won't tell him about your boyfriend being here" Draco said, winking at the two causing them to blush.

"Draco" Blaise groaned. This caused the blond to laugh.

"but in all seriousness, I won't tell, but just be careful" He said, concern in his eyes.

"Of course," Blaise said. With that the blond went upstairs to the boy's dorm. He got ready for bed, going to sleep. Not knowing what awaited him tomorrow.

(686 words)

(A/N: Yes I brought back, Fred, Sirius and Remus. I still cry every time I watch the parts where they die. On that note, i'm adding another ship to the story. Wolfstar!!!! If you don't know the paring you'll find out in the next chapter, bye!!!)

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