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  The next day came in what felt like minutes to TianXia. He woke with a grimace at the strain on his back. He stood carefully, slightly wobbling as he cautiously slipped on his white casual robes.

  JingHe on the other hand had been awake since the sun first rose. He'd been contemplating the events of the night and one of his thoughts particularly angered him. That he was too weak. He chanted the incantations too slow. He couldn't even sense the sneak attack of the demon. And... he kept getting distracted... By TianXia. That wretched person's actions... they weren't only different from his usual self, but weird too. JingHe remained frowning to himself in the food court below the sleeping quarters until eventually a white robed figure appeared within his eyeline. He knew without a second thought who it was.

  Without looking up he said, "You're up late, we could've left one shichén ago."

  TianXia looked at the person sat at the table, head engrossed in reading. His heart felt the tiniest of pricks at the attitude JingHe had towards him. Well... it's for the best anyway. "Then you should've just left." He replied, before walking off to the exit. On his way he accidentally bumped into one of the staff slightly.

  "Oh dear, I'm very sorry esteemed guest, are you injured in any way? I could bring you-... Sir are you OK?" The staff asked this because the man he bumped into truly looked sick. The guests face was deathly pale, perspiration lined his forehead and the guest had a slight stagger.

  "I'm fine. Room 23, I'll be leaving." TianXia replied as he left the building and mounted his horse in the stalls. Without hesitation he kicked the horse's sides and galloped off into the distance.

  JingHe had just stumbled out of the building when he saw that figure in white disappeared into the distance on his horse. "The hell? Why'd he leave without me..."

  By the end of the day, TianXia reached the sect first. After leaving his horse, he stumbled into his room and collapsed on the bed. Before he completely passed to from exhaustion, he drew out  a talisman from his robes and threw it out his window. He heard a small puff of explosion before His head lulled onto his pillow and darkness enveloped him.

  Soon after TianXia passed out, Kai ShiZun arrived in the doorway. Seeing his disciple collapsed on the bed, he frowned. This disciple seems to often get himself inundysired situations these days. He sat down by the bed, one hand holding his sleeve and the other touched TianXia's head. Kai ShiZun's cool hand seemed pleasing to TianXia as he sighed in pleasure. Kai ShiZun took note of the high temperature, then took his wrist and measured his pulse. He frowned. This disciple was truly unlucky. Not only was his soul disrupted by time sickness but now he seemed to have poison flowing in his blood, nothing that will kill immediately... but in a few years time if they weren't extracted...

  Kai ShiZun shook his head. This causes complications... 

  He looked at the sleeping boy. His hand that held that wrist tightened a little before he let go.

  TianXia's eyes were opening. 

  "You've been poisoned. Was it the dream demon?" Kai ShiZun asked as he drew out some herbs from his sleeve and dropped it into the teapot by the bedside.

  "Ah... Yes... I'm sorry to have embarrassed you ShiZun, this disciple is still too weak right now and got injured and thus inconvenienced you with the summoning talisman...sorry..."

  Kai ShiZun looked at the youths drooping head and smiled. slightly. "Nonsense. I gave you those talisman to call upon me when you're in need. And right now you have poison in your veins. Not fatal... But lethal in, I'd say about four, five years time." Whilst talking, he quickly and efficiently boiled the herbal remedy, poured it into a cup and handed it to TianXia, who sat up with a grimace, took the cup and downed it in one.

  "Ah! hot hot hot..." TianXia rasped as he stuck his tongue out.

  Kai ShiZun extended his sleeve and wiped a small splatter from TianXia's cheek. "Silly Child. Don't gulp hot tea... Where's JingHe? You two were supposed to be working together."

  TianXia lowered his eyes and replied, "I left earlier than him... ShiZun, could I ask that you not tell JingHe about this injury?"

  "And why would that be?" Kai ShiZun asked with a raised eyebrow.

  "That... we're not on good terms and... I don't want him bothering me incase he feels guilt about this injury... it truly is too bothersome."

  Kai ShiZun shook his head, "Hai... I only have two disciples yet they do not get along well... very well, I won't tell you. But more importantly, the poison in your blood. The most I can do for you is this herbal remedy, once a day will alleviated the inconsistent shocks of pain you may have. But it'll become more painful through the years not to mention you only have five left."

  TianXia lowered his head once more, "Is there no permanent cure?"

  Kai ShiZun remained silent for a moment before replying, "There's one thing I can think of. There's a monk in the snow mountains far far north, he came from the great Yao Sect and is a retired grandmaster. Though that's all that's known of the location. The specifics are scattered in the winds. I suggest you set out in a year's time to seek this monk."

  TianXia looked slightly perplexed... A famous medical monk in the northern mountains sounded slightly familiar, but he couldn't quite put a finger on the memory. "And... say if I were to find this monk... how long would it take for him to heal me?"

  "I am not familiar with this poison so I can not say, could be a week, could be a year, could be ten.... that'll be for you to find out in a years time should you succeed. In the mean time, I'll double both your trainings so that you can leave more equipped."

  TianXia sighed... ahh... this is so bothersome... "I see... thank you very much for your help ShiZun..."

  Kai ShiZun also sighed and stood up, he gently patted TianXia's shoulder and said, "It's the most I could do as your ShiZun. Now sleep. Your body should function better tomorrow."

  TianXia nodded and laid back down, drifting off into an uncomfortable sleep.

  When Kai ShiZun left, he met JingHe who had just arrived.

  JingHe bowed in respect, "ShiZun, apologies for my tardy delay in returning. TianXia slept in but left me behind when he woke..."

  "That's alright, rest up, tomorrow we'll be training in techniques...and also, avoid disturbing TianXia, he's a little ill."

  JingHe gritted his teeth. That attention seeking senior brother...tch..." Yes ShiZun."

  When JingHe entered their shared room, he glared at TianXia's sleeping figure before immediately storming back out.


A/N- Hope ya'll enjoyed!!! Here's the promised 2/2 chapters per week whoop! Maybe more for the weekend fufufu...


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