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As you know, I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters associated with Harry Potter. That all belongs to our bootiful queen, J.K.R. This story is dedicated to a couple of people who were my inspiration for writing:

@_the_drarry_life_ You showed me the true values of being a writer. You inspired me to just do it. You somehow manage to be funny and serious and heartbreaking and perfect all at the same time, so thank you for that.

@ImBisexualBoi It is because of you I am writing this in the first place. You taught me to try and achieve my dreams, even if it isn't always easy. To be brave and embrace who you really are. So you do that. Good luck in life Alex. Ok this is kinda sounding like a suicide note ima go now.

@DrarryShipper1138 You were one of the first people I met on Wattpad. We managed to make the funniest comment threads I have ever read. I hope you get through whatever hard time you're going through and keep being you, no matter what.

@Thatbooklover16 You're kind of the reason I got into writing. You know, I wanted to be an artist a couple of months ago. But then I read Alice and Grace. It showed me that I could use my perfectionism for something other than art. I love editing things. It makes me feel good, fixing things and helping people. And yes, your book deserves an underline.

To everyone else who is reading this, thank you. I hope this book does well and I hope you enjoy it.

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