Coronation: Chapter 3

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Merlins POV

I can't believe that Mar would die for us. She is so brave and strong and funny. She always wants to please everyone and now she's paying the price. Even if I just met her I feel as if i've known her for my entire life. I think that I may have a crush. God, Arthurs going to laugh at me and beat me up. ugh I hate being a servant.

Marissa's POV

Uggh my back hurts. I had just woken up and i see food sitting on the night stand next to me with a note that reads 'Mar, If you wake and none of us are in there you are welcome to eat. If however you get bored you can come to the knights training fields. Yours truly Prince Arthur Pendragon.' I laugh slightly on how formal the note is and realize how famished I am. I grab the food which consists of soup and bread. After I finished eating I stood up and stretched. I saw some clean clothes on the end of the bed and put them on quick. The clothes were a sturdy pair of leggings and a long tunic and some soft leather boots. I walk over to my bag and put on my belt with my sword. The outfit is now complete i smile in satisfaction. I walk over to the door and open it. I soon find the training fields from all the sword clashing and yelling. I saw Arthur using a sword on Merlin when I walked over, Merlin was crouched behind a huge shield and Arthur was saying "Come on Merlin put your back into it.' I then realized all the fighting stopped and all the knights were looking at me I smiled tightly and said "Hey Arthur, Why are you being so rude to Merlin?" He stopped swinging his sword as soon as he heard my voice he turned quickly and said "Mar, I didn't know you were standing there." I laugh and say "Hey Merlin did you see me?" He nods quickly and I look at the knights and say "Did you guys see me?" Hey all chorus there yes's and i smirked and said with a straight face "So Arthur, are you going blind now?" he turned red and said "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you. It was Merlin's fault cause he." i cut him off by saying "I'm kidding Arthur. Anyway you said to come here?" He nods and straightens out and says "I was wondering if you can give the knights some pointers on your swordsmanship, cause it is fantastic." I laugh and say jokingly " Sure, But only if the big strong knights agree." They laugh and agree and we spend the rest of the day practicing until the dinner feast for Arthur's coronation. Arthur had said that I had to wear a dress so his girlfriend Gwen helped me find one. She chose a really pretty dark blue silk dress that was tighter uptop and looser on the bottom so that I could run in it if I had too. Gwen wore a pretty green dress. When we got to the banquet we sat next to Arthur at the big table. By then my back started to throb, Merlin and Arthur saw my looks of pain and asked if i was alright. Even though I nodded I knew I wasn't I drank some water and ate a bit. When I started to feel light headed Gwen asked if I was alright I nodded by gasped in pain when my dress snagged on my bandage. I set my hand on the table and Gwen knew I was not feeling well. Merlin walked up to us and said "Are you alright Mar?" I nodded shakily and said "Just in a bit of pain and a bit dizzy bust other than that i'm good." He curses and says "I knew you weren't ready for training yet, you're still injured." I shake my head and instantly regret it I say "It was my choice not yours plus i'm fine." I gasp lightly as my dress snaggs again on my bandage I lay back in my seat and Merlin grabs my water and tells me to drink some. When I do My back flares up again and i gasp louder. I see Arthur looking at me worriedly. I look to the back of the room to see a man in all black with a crossbow and he fires it not towards Arthur. But towards me, I lean to the side and see the arrow impales the seat right next to my head. I  gasp and look at the arrow, out of my perell vision I see guards tackling the guy. I stand up and stumble and look at the arrow again but not just at the arrow. I look at the note on the Arrow that says 'We are coming for you Marissa.' 

So what did y'all think. Please leave comments and suggestions.
Love y'all ~Iz

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