A Single Ticket, Please

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I rushed from work to see Andrew at the cinema but the bus simply wasn't moving fast enough and the reserved tickets had to be bought half an hour before the screening.

I cursed under my breath. Why does he refuse to use a phone like a normal person.
"If they care enough, they will show up and on time might I add."
Well isn't that great, when he was born people must have still been meeting at flexible hours like around sunset or as the rooster called out. There was no traffic yams back then, that's for sure. When was he born? I never asked... I should.
The car horns were coming from everywhere.
Serves me right for having the bright idea that right after work was the perfect time to go see a movie.

Honking cars drew me mad...

"Excuse me," I knocked at the drivers glass ", Excuse me, could you please open the door, I'd like to get out." driver looked at me and sighed, but granted my wish.

"Thank you!"  I got out of the bus. 

Let's see... I was three bus stops away, if I really push my stride I might make it in time for the showing. The reservation, however, will have been canceled.

I haven't had a proper workout in months, yes I run after buses and walk Alex, but... My breathing got irregular as I almost ran down the streets. Then it happened. Of course it happened.

A shower caught me. 

Oh I'm going to make it in time. I started running. In time, drenched.

I ran, my legs quickly tiring from effort. I pushed myself to move, it was like trying to run through the ocean. 

Alex, our walks will become jogs, mom is severely out of shape.

Just one stop left.

I almost slid right on my back as I entered the cinema's foyer. Arms cold as ice caught me.

"Sweet Jesus in heaven, thank you but damn your hands are cold."

Andrew laughed.

"Damned I am indeed. Such is my nature. My apologies." He let go of me and I check the clock.

"Ok, we still might get some seats, movie hasn't started yet."

"Could you humor me first and wear my coat?" Andrew's face was turned away from me and of course and I realised my white shirt, glued to my shin, was see-through. I took his coat and buttoned it up. My face was burning red, but as Andrew didn't acknowledge it further, I slowly felt my heartbeat calm down.

"Thank you..." I looked him over. He was wearing a long sleeved shirt and pants. 

I thought to ask him why he wore all this mid-Summer, but then I remembered... Sun was still out.

"I got out of the bus and a shower caught me." I said, turning to the cashier to ask for the tickets.

Andrew cleared his throat and held up two tickets.

"But the reservation was under my name?" I looked at him, confused.

"I waited just the time to buy them as the reservation expised." he explained.

I was so relieved I could have kissed him. I blushed again at this thought.

"Then you got here way ahead of me, I'm so sorry you waited so long!"

"It was no trouble. It would have been a disgrace for me to have made a young lady such as yourself await me instead." he said with a flourish of his hand.

I heard a giggle behind us and when I turned, the cashier quickly looked away. 

"How galant of you." I smiled and we got on our way to the screening hall. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2019 ⏰

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