Chapter 10: Moon Baby

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That is exactly what happened by noon that day. Lavinia was out like a light in the dark until ten minutes to twelve, and room service managed to bring her lunch and take away the breakfast that had been sitting there for hours. She opened her eyes, her vision blurry until gaining full consciousness. The nurse, Roberta, rolled over the table with the food, and without any words, Lavinia started to devour everything in sight without taking a moment to pause. That was, until two men came into the room, making the nurse leave and close the door. Lavinia, still consuming lunch, took the cup of water to her lips and paused, looking at the policemen in suits. They just looked at her like they were watching a lion tear apart an antelope on the savannah.

"Hello, are you Lavinia Volkov?"

She put the cup down slowly and wearily: "yeah?"

The two men each showed their shiny badges: "I'm Peter Colquitt, and this is my partner Matthew Stevens. We are from the LAPD, and as much as we know you are in the hospital recovering, we would like to ask you a few questions about what you saw last night. Do you think you can do that right now?"

Lavinia sighed and pushed the rolling table an inch away: "uh..."

"About your house, it was destroyed. We got reports from your neighbors," Colquitt mentioned.

"Don't I need someone here with me? Like, a lawyer or something?" Lavinia asked, a contemplatively suspicious look on her face as her eyelids only slightly hooded her gray irises.

"You haven't done anything particularly incriminating. This is just about what you saw," the law enforcement official said. "What were you chased by down the street?"

Lavinia sighed, quietly thinking for a moment: "a Lycan."

"A what?"

"Are you deaf?" she asked with a slight sneer. "A Lycan. Werewolf. You guys had to have seen him, since you probably took him to check him out anyhow. I..." She tried to suppress tears: "I tried killing it because it was going to kill me."

"Yes, uh... was this thing in your house?" Stevens, the other police officer asked.

"Yeah, it was."

"Where was your father at the time?" asked Colquitt, writing down her answers. "Was it, uh, Dr. Ralph Volkov?"

She inhaled sharply through her nose in a long, slow, but painful deep breath, her rib cage rising and falling under the claw strike wounds that were bandaged: "yes."

"Where was he?"

"He was right there in front of me," Lavinia answered. "Changing."


Lavinia took a huffy breath, trying one last time to suppress a sob as tears began to deluge her eyes: "every full moon, three days out of the month, he'd change. He was the Lycan." She paused. "This thing didn't break into our house. It has been living there my whole life, and I was blind to it until recently."

"We've... been investigating the cause of several brutal murders around LA that look animalistic, and it seems we've found a culprit," Colquitt determined.

Lavinia gave a haughty, aggravated chuckle: "I am so shocked you're not making me serve time right now, let alone believing me."

"Well, our forensics team has determined several victims have died by the hands of something not human. They're experts, 99.9% sure it was that thing that chased you and..." Stevens looked at Lavinia's bandaged chest, or at least what could be seen of it through her hospital gown, "injured you."

She sighed again: "it is what it is, I guess."

"You may have just saved this city from more murders. Thank you," Stevens said.

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